Upcoming Tweaks to Mistweaver Monks in Patch 10.2

September 22, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, we have some exciting news for all you Mistweaver Monks out there. Blizzard has just unveiled the upcoming changes to the Mistweaver Monks on the highly anticipated Patch 10.2 PTR. So, grab your favorite cup of tea and let's dive right into it!

Defensiveness and Healing Elixir Updates

First things first, Mistweaver Monks have been found to be a tad squishier than desired, especially considering their role as primarily melee-based healers. To address this issue, Blizzard aims to revamp the defensive toolkit of Mistweavers to make it less reliant on active spell use. The goal is to strike a balance that allows Mistweavers to perform at the highest level without overwhelming them with too much micromanagement.

One specific change that's being explored to achieve this balance is a shift towards passivity for Healing Elixir. By turning Healing Elixir into a more passive ability, Mistweavers will have increased survivability without the need for constant monitoring. Players can expect updates in the upcoming PTR builds that enhance the passive design, ensuring it provides value even when the low health effect is not required.

This passive update also opens up new opportunities for Blizzard to make modifications without adding strain to key binding space. A specific element of Mistweaver's toolkit that has been neglected, Expel Harm, will be revisited. Expel Harm will undergo several changes to increase its viability specifically for Mistweaver Monks. This change aims to fully integrate Expel Harm into the toolkit and make it a more impactful ability during intense moments. It is expected to reduce the total actions per minute (APM) required to play Mistweaver optimally, thus improving the overall flow and feel of the class. The goal is to create an ability that is reminiscent of Healing Elixir but with a bit more oomph.

To avoid the need for continuous tuning around healing allies, the functionality of Soothing Mist for Expel Harm will be removed. Blizzard believes this adjustment will not only improve Mistweaver's defensive capabilities but also make the class talent tree more enticing to explore. Expel Harm talents will become a more attractive option, offering Mistweaver Monks greater versatility and strategic choices during their adventures.

Guardians of the Dream Tier Set

Now, let's talk about the Guardians of the Dream Tier Set. Blizzard is aware of several functionality issues within the set, particularly when it comes to counting healing spells towards its accumulation. The original intent was for all healing spells (except for other accumulators like Chi Harmony itself and Lesson of Anger) to contribute to the final healing tally. However, some spells were not being correctly counted. Fear not, though, as Blizzard is actively working on addressing this issue in future PTR builds. So, you can look forward to a more seamless and accurate healing experience with the Guardians of the Dream Tier Set.

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it, Mistweaver Monks! These upcoming changes aim to enhance your defensive capabilities, streamline gameplay, and offer more satisfying choices within the talent tree. Blizzard is eager to receive your feedback to ensure these changes hit the mark and make Mistweaving an even more enjoyable experience for all adventurers. So, don't hesitate to share your thoughts, and let's make Patch 10.2 shine brighter than ever before! And if you want to get a headstart on all of the new content that's coming in the update, be sure to check back often on WowCarry by following this link to stay up-to-date regarding all services in the Amirdrassil Raid and more. We'll see you in the next post!

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