Warbands Preview in War Within - Extensive Account-Wide Features

November 05, 2023 5 minutes

This year at BlizzCon 2023, Wowhead was fortunate to have an exclusive interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang, discussing the highly anticipated expansion, The War Within, along with the introduction of the open-world endgame content known as Delves and the exciting new Heroic Talent system. In this interview, Stickley and Wang provided insights into the lore behind the Arathi humans, the role of the sword in the expansion, and the future of World of Warcraft. Read on for the full transcript!

Arathi Humans: Unveiling a Forgotten Tribe

During the interview, Anne Stickley shed light on the history of the Arathi humans, a tribe that had long been forgotten in World of Warcraft. She revealed that the Arathi are a splintered group from the original Arathi Empire, which was the first empire of humanity before it split into the known seven kingdoms. This splintered tribe received a vision about a falling star, leading them to Harrowfall, a location of great significance in The War Within. Stickley emphasized that the Arathi humans are deeply devoted to the Light, making them the ideal group to introduce a new faction with such strong ties to this mystical force.

Tina Wang, on the other hand, expressed excitement about exploring the culture and history of the Arathi humans, as the game has not focused on the human race for quite some time. She hinted at a variety of animal companions and other unique aspects of their culture that players will have the opportunity to discover.

The Power of the Holy Flame

One intriguing element that was discussed during the interview was the use of the Holy Flame by the Arathi humans. Stickley confirmed that the Arathi airships are powered by the Holy Flame, a source of light and power that is central to their abilities in combating the forces of darkness. Stickley and Wang expressed enthusiasm for one of the dungeons in the expansion, the Priory of the Secret Flame, which features a cathedral-like setting and further showcases the Arathi devotion to the Light.

The Saga of the Sword

The Sword, a significant artifact introduced in the expansion's cinematic, was a major topic of discussion in the interview. Stickley confirmed that the Sword plays a central role in The War Within, as it is connected to the calling of the World Soul and the visions experienced by various characters. She emphasized that the Sword is not merely a side plot, but a part of the Worldsoul Saga that will unfold over three expansions. Stickley also hinted that there is still much more to discover about the Sword and its mysterious nature.

Anduin, Arthas, and the War Within

The interview touched upon the potential similarities between Anduin and Arthas, two central figures in World of Warcraft lore. Stickley clarified that there is no direct connection between the two characters, but acknowledged that the power of Domination, which played a role in both Arthas' storyline and the recent Shadowlands expansion, has had some influence on Anduin. She explained that Anduin's struggle in The War Within is focused on his own internal battle against darkness and his questioning of his own worthiness as a champion of the Light. Stickley assured players that Anduin's story will be a major focus in the expansion, providing a deep exploration of his character and the challenges he faces.

The Future of World of Warcraft

The interview also delved into the future of World of Warcraft and the development team's plans for upcoming content. Stickley and Wang revealed that the team is aiming to increase the pace of expansion releases, while still maintaining a responsible development process. They cited the need to avoid long periods of inactivity and to continually provide players with fresh content. Stickley mentioned that The War Within is only the beginning of a larger saga that will span multiple expansions, ensuring that players have plenty of new storylines and adventures to look forward to.

Furthermore, the interview touched upon the topic of professions in the game. While Stickley and Wang didn't provide specific details, they emphasized their commitment to making professions both fascinating and rewarding for players. They acknowledged the importance of ensuring that players feel their time invested in professions is worthwhile, and hinted at potential updates and improvements in this area.

In summary, the main points discussed during the interview include:
The history and significance of the Arathi humans, a forgotten tribe from the original Arathi Empire
The use of the Holy Flame by the Arathi humans and its role in their battles against darkness
The central role of the Sword in the expansion and its connection to the calling of the World Soul
The exploration of Anduin's character and his internal struggle against darkness
The team's plans to increase the pace of expansion releases while maintaining a responsible development process
The commitment to making professions fascinating and rewarding for players

Final Thoughts

The interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang provided an exciting glimpse into the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within. With its rich lore, new gameplay features like Delves and Heroic Talents, and the continued evolution of the World Soul Saga, The War Within promises to be an epic addition to the World of Warcraft universe. Players can expect to embark on thrilling adventures, uncover hidden mysteries, and face formidable foes in their quest to save Azeroth once again.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as the release of The War Within approaches. The world of Azeroth awaits, and the battle for its soul has only just begun!

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