Whispering Temple Blades - Introducing New Weapon Appearance Items for Quel'Serrar in Patch 10.2

October 11, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow gamers! Today, we have some exciting news for all the Vanilla and classic WoW players out there. Recently, we stumbled upon some interesting discoveries while data mining the Patch 10.2 PTR. One of them includes the addition of a fascinating item called "Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blades." This item offers cosmetic appearances of the gold-tinted version of the iconic Quel'Serrar weapon.

A Blast from the Past: Quel'Serrar

If you have been a part of the WoW community for a while, especially during the early days, you will instantly recognize the legendary Quel'Serrar. This one-handed tanking weapon was notorious for being incredibly powerful and highly sought after. Players had to complete a challenging questline to obtain this weapon, which added to its legendary status.

  • New HD Appearances with Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blades

Now, here comes the exciting part. The latest addition to the game, Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blades, offers players the chance to collect stunning new HD appearances of Quel'Serrar. This account-bound item presents two versions of the weapon - one with a shimmering particle effect called "Gleaming Whispering Temple Blade," and the other without the effect simply called "Whispering Temple Blade."

HD Quel'Serrar Model from Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blades

The HD models look absolutely stunning, and the addition of the shimmering particle effect gives them an extra touch of magic. It's important to note that these new appearances are purely cosmetic and do not affect the weapon's stats or gameplay. They are meant to enhance the visual experience and provide a nostalgic throwback to the classic WoW days.

  • The Mystery of Acquisition

While we are thrilled about the new appearances, there is still some uncertainty regarding how players will be able to obtain them. Currently, there is no information about a specific method or vendor associated with acquiring these items. It is unlikely that the Trading Post will offer them without a "Trader's Tender" cost, but we can't entirely rule out that possibility either.

Speculations are running wild within the WoW community about the potential acquisition methods. Some believe there might be an encrypted questline in Patch 10.2, while others speculate that it could be tied to the upcoming 11.0 expansion. Until we receive official confirmation, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope for exciting revelations in the near future.

  • What About Other Tints?

As for other variations of the beloved Quel'Serrar, it appears that the current arsenal item only grants access to the gold-tinted version. This leaves us wondering if there are plans to introduce more color options to further customize this iconic weapon. While there is no information available at this time, we can't help but speculate about the possibilities.

It would be amazing to see additional tints, such as silver or bronze, that could be earned through unique challenges or quests. This would give players even more options to customize their characters and show off their achievements.

Final Thoughts

As we eagerly await further updates regarding the acquisition methods and potential addition of new tints for Quel'Serrar, let's take a moment to appreciate the nostalgic appeal of this legendary weapon. The introduction of Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blades will undoubtedly be a treat for fans of the Vanilla and classic WoW era.

While we patiently wait for the source of the blades to be revealed, check out our latest services for 10.2 patch coming out soon!

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