Wowhead's Exclusive Blizzcon 2023 Discussion with Anne Stickney & Tina Wang

November 05, 2023 5 minutes

This year at BlizzCon 2023, WowCarry was fortunate enough to have a special interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang to discuss the highly anticipated expansion, The War Within. During the interview, they delved into various aspects of the expansion, including the introduction of the Arathi humans, the significance of the Holy Flame, the role of the sword, the characterization of Anduin, and the plans for future expansions.

Introducing the Arathi Humans

The Arathi humans, a splintered tribe from the original Arathi Empire, take center stage in The War Within. According to Anne Stickney, these humans are descendants of the ancient tribes that left the Arathi Empire and established their own kingdom. Devoted to the Light, these Arathi humans offer a fresh, human-focused storyline that players haven't experienced in a while. The expansion explores their unique history and culture, providing players with an opportunity to learn more about them.

Tina Wang also emphasized the excitement of delving into the culture and history of the Arathi humans, including their animal companions. This focus on their background adds depth to the expansion and engages players in discovering more about these intriguing characters.

The Holy Flame and the Airships

The Arathi humans are known for their extensive use of the Holy Flame, particularly in their airships. According to Anne Stickney, the airships run on Holy Flame and play a crucial role in the Arathi humans' fight against darkness, specifically the Nerubians. Stickney also mentioned one of her favorite dungeons, the Priory of the Secret Flame, which has a cathedral-like appearance and contributes to the overall aesthetic of the expansion.

The Mysterious Sword

A notable element in The War Within is the presence of a powerful sword. While Anne Stickney couldn't reveal too much about its significance, she confirmed that the sword plays a central role in the larger Worldsoul Saga of the expansion. The World Soul, calling out to individuals, holds a great mystery, and Stickney hinted at the possibility of the sword being pointed towards something important. Its enigmatic nature adds an exciting layer to the expansion's storyline.

  • The World Soul and Anduin's Journey

Stickney explained that Azeroth's call, represented by the World Soul, remains a mystery to many characters in the trailer. However, it was suggested that Magni, who serves as a direct connection to the World Soul, will play a significant role in unraveling this enigma. As for Anduin, he has had his own personal struggles and journeys, making him unaware of the world-changing events tied to the World Soul. Despite this, Stickney mentioned that Anduin's experiences have left a lasting impact on him, and he now questions his worthiness and battle against darkness.

The Influence of Arthas

When asked about any connections between Anduin and Arthas, Stickney dismissed the idea that Arthas still has a presence in Anduin. While acknowledging the power of Domination being a shared factor, she explained that Anduin's devotion to the Light and journey towards peace and compassion differentiate him from Arthas. However, she did mention that Anduin grapples with the aftermath of his traumatic experiences and questions his own darkness, showcasing the internal war within himself.

Expansion Release Schedule

WowCarry inquired about the release cadence for future expansions, given that The War Within is launching simultaneously with two other expansions. Tina Wang confirmed that the team aims to increase the frequency of releases while maintaining a responsible pace. They want to avoid prolonged periods without new content, ensuring that players always have something fresh to engage with.

Stickney expanded on this idea, mentioning that The War Within is not the end of Dragonflight. There is still more story to tell, including new patches that will continue the narrative. This approach allows for the grand scale of the Worldsoul Saga and ensures an epic story that cannot be contained within a single expansion.

Revamping Old Zones and Silvermoon

WowCarry asked about the possibility of revamping old zones, similar to the Cataclysm expansion. While Tina Wang hinted at potential updates, particularly focusing on Quel'Thalas and Silvermoon, she didn't provide detailed information. Stickney added that Silvermoon has not received much attention for a long time, making it an exciting prospect for players. However, the team remained tight-lipped about specific details regarding revamps and the ability to fly in those zones.

Quality of Life Improvements

One significant focus in The War Within is improving the quality of life for players. This is evident in the introduction of Hero Talents and Warbands. Hero Talents offer additional customization options and allow players to lean into specific fantasies without disrupting existing talent trees. They provide players with the flexibility to switch between options freely. Warbands, on the other hand, prioritize respecting players' time by providing quick, meaningful content that can be completed in 15-20 minutes. These new features aim to cater to different playstyles and ensure players always have engaging activities available.

Summary and Future Updates

The interview touched on various other topics, including mounts with dynamic flying, future plans for professions, the importance of player feedback in class design, and the lessons learned from previous content like Island Expeditions and Torghast. Stickney and Wang remained tight-lipped on specific details for certain elements but assured players that more information would be shared over time.

Overall, The War Within expansion promises a deep and engaging storyline, introducing players to the Arathi humans while building upon the extensive lore of World of Warcraft. With captivating features like Hero Talents and Warbands, along with potential updates to old zones, the expansion sets the stage for an exciting new chapter in the game.

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