Wowhead's Exclusive Blizzcon 2023 Interview featuring Anne Stickney & Tina Wang

November 05, 2023 5 minutes

This year at BlizzCon 2023, Wowhead had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang for an exclusive interview. In this interview, they discussed The War Within, the open world endgame Delve content, and the Heroic Talent philosophies. We were thrilled to gain insight into these exciting new features that will be introduced in the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft.

Discovering the Arathi Humans

During the interview, Wowhead asked Stickley and Wang about the inclusion of the Arathi humans in the expansion. Stickley explained that the Arathi humans are a splintered tribe of the original Arathi Empire, which was a massive empire that predated the seven kingdoms known in the game. The Arathi humans in the game are a branch of humanity that developed their own culture outside of the familiar kingdoms. Stickley clarified that the Arathi humans are a group of super-devoted Paladins who are deeply connected to the Light. This made them the perfect choice to introduce a group devoted to the Light in The War Within.

On the art side, Wang added that the team was excited to explore the culture and history of the Arathi humans. They wanted to provide players with a human-focused storyline as it had been a while since they had done one. They also mentioned that players can look forward to encountering animal companions that are unique to the Arathi humans.

The Power of the Holy Flame

The discussion then moved to the use of the Holy Flame by the Arathi humans. Stickley and Wang confirmed that the airships of the Arathi are powered by Holy Flame. They explained that the Arathi humans are fighting against the darkness and are clashing with the Nerubians. Stickley also mentioned one of her favorite dungeons, the Priory of the Secret Flame, which has a Cathedral-like atmosphere.

The Role of the Sword

Stickley was asked about the role of the sword revealed in the expansion's cinematic. She mentioned that the sword is part of the Worldsoul Saga, which is the overarching storyline of three expansions. Stickley hinted that the sword is calling to people for a reason and that it will play a significant role in the story. However, she couldn't go into further detail about its specific involvement in The War Within.

Anduin's Internal Struggle

Stickley and Wang discussed the character development of Anduin, with a particular focus on the parallels drawn between Anduin and Arthas. Stickley clarified that there isn't actually any Arthas in Anduin, but there were vestiges of the power of Domination that were present. She emphasized that Anduin has gone through a transformative experience that has caused him to question his worthiness and struggle with his identity. Stickley also mentioned that Anduin will have the support of the Arathi humans in his journey. They will be a key part of his story as he battles the war within himself.

Expanding the Story with Three Expansions

Wowhead inquired about the decision to release three expansions at the same time and what it means for the future of World of Warcraft. Stickley and Wang explained that this plan allows them to fully explore and pay off the 20 years of storytelling in the game. They emphasized that they wanted to give players an epic, overarching story that couldn't be contained within a single expansion. This approach will allow them to delve into the saga in a meaningful way and provide a satisfying experience for players.

Increasing the Release Cadence

Stickley and Wang acknowledged the desire to increase the cadence of expansion releases. They expressed their commitment to delivering new content at a responsible pace, ensuring that both the development team and the player base are not overwhelmed. The team aims to avoid long periods of content drought, similar to what happened between Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor.

The Introduction of Delves

One of the exciting new features discussed in the interview was the introduction of Delves, which are short-form outdoor endgame content. Stickley and Wang explained that Delves are designed to respect players' time and provide a flexible gameplay experience. Players can jump into a Delve for a quick 15-20 minute session and be rewarded with loot and progression. The Delves also offer the opportunity to engage with outdoor world content and explore various challenges. Stickley compared Delves to scenarios from Mists of Pandaria, combining elements of combat, puzzles, and treasure hunting.

Introducing Heroic Talents

The interview also touched on the addition of Heroic Talents, a new talent tree system that allows players to customize their characters even further. Stickley and Wang explained that Heroic Talents are separate from the existing talent trees and offer players the ability to lean into specific fantasies and playstyles. Each specialization will have two choices within the Heroic Talent tree, providing players with more flexibility and customization options. These choices can be changed at any time, allowing players to experiment and adapt their playstyle as desired.

Continued Improvement and Player Feedback

Stickley and Wang emphasized the importance of player feedback in the ongoing development of World of Warcraft. They acknowledged that classes and talent trees are areas that constantly receive feedback from the player community. They assured players that they would continue to listen to feedback and make adjustments to ensure a satisfying gameplay experience.


The BlizzCon 2023 interview with Anne Stickley and Tina Wang revealed exciting details about The War Within and the upcoming content in World of Warcraft. From the introduction of the Arathi humans to the addition of Delves and Heroic Talents, it's clear that the team is dedicated to providing a rich and immersive experience for players. With their focus on player feedback and commitment to increasing the release cadence, the future of World of Warcraft looks promising. Get ready to embark on an epic adventure in The War Within!

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