Balance Adjustments Season of Discovery - Hunter Adjustments, Healing Mages Tweaked

December 02, 2023 3 minutes

Hello everyone, it's WowCarry here! Today we have some exciting news about the latest hotfixes implemented by Blizzard in the Season of Discovery. These changes aim to balance the damage output of Hunters and tweak the healing capabilities of Mages. Let's dive into the details!

Balance Changes in Season of Discovery

Blizzard has been actively monitoring the feedback from players and has decided to make a few adjustments to ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. Within the first 24 hours of Season of Discovery, Blizzard identified certain issues and promptly made changes to address them. Although these changes might not have been noticed by most players yet, it's important to be aware of them for future reference.

  • Mage Adjustments

One of the major changes made is the reduction in healing caused by the Arcane Explosion spell. Previously, Mage healing was inadvertently trivializing content. To rectify this, Blizzard has decreased the healing output by a significant 80%. The intention is to bring Mages in line with other classes and ensure that their healing doesn't overshadow their primary roles as damage dealers.

Additionally, Blizzard has also redesigned the Explosive Shot rune ability. Now, instead of dealing massive damage to a single target, it inflicts damage to all enemies within an 8-yard radius of the primary target. This change promotes a more dynamic and strategic approach to combat, enabling Hunters to excel in area-of-effect damage while maintaining balance with other classes.

Adjustments for Hunters

Hunters have proven to be exceptionally powerful in terms of damage output. To address this, Blizzard has made some adjustments. The damage of the Chimera Shot ability has been reduced to 85% weapon damage. These changes, along with the modifications to the Explosive Shot, will bring Hunters more in line with the expected damage output for their level.

  • Ashenvale PvP Event Changes

Blizzard has also taken steps to improve the Ashenvale PvP event. They have made it slightly easier to start, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable experience for participants. However, it's important to note that the true essence and excitement of the event will be realized when the zone is populated with level 25 players.

  • Fixes and Bug Corrections

Aside from the class adjustments, Blizzard has addressed several bugs and issues that were affecting gameplay. Rune acquisitions, for example, have been modified to reduce bottlenecking and provide a smoother progression experience. Bugs involving bosses such as Twilight Lord Kelris and Aku'mai's Void Elemental adds have been resolved, ensuring their abilities now deal the intended damage without targeting pets excessively.

Going forward, Blizzard will continue to provide regular hotfixes to improve the overall gameplay experience. Any significant changes that impact gameplay will be documented in the usual Hotfixes Update, enabling players to stay informed and adapt accordingly.

Reporting Bugs and Providing Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or issues during your gameplay, Blizzard encourages you to use the in-game Bug Reporter to report them. Additionally, if you require more space to explain a bug or would like to share your thoughts, you can post in the WoW Classic Bug Report forum. Your feedback is essential in helping Blizzard create a better gaming experience for everyone.

Thank you for joining us today as we discussed the latest hotfixes and changes in the Season of Discovery. Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

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