Community Predictions for the Future of WoW Classic at Blizzcon

October 24, 2023 4 minutes

With Blizzcon just around the corner (Tickets are still available!), the WoW Classic community is buzzing with excitement about what might be in store for the beloved game. Content creators and community figures have been speculating and discussing the future of WoW Classic, and we're here to share some of the most popular videos and theories. So, let's dive into what we know so far about the potential announcements for WoW Classic and the concept of "Classic Plus".

Community Videos on Future of WoW Classic

One popular idea that has gained traction is the concept of "Classic Plus". This idea draws inspiration from the success of Old School Runescape, which relaunched the original version of the game and later introduced entirely new and original content. WoW Classic reminded players of what made the original game special - the vast world. Within this world, there are numerous unfinished areas, unused portals, and developer-only locations that hint at untapped potential for new adventures. Some examples include the mysterious portal in Darkwhisper Gorge, the hidden portal in Stormwind City, the Ruins of Uldum in Silithus, the Timbermaw Hold in Azshara, the Emerald Dream from datamined maps in 2003, and many more.

The concept of Classic Plus is simple - it proposes introducing brand new content to the WoW Classic experience. Instead of following the path of the Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King expansions, Classic Plus would build upon the Level 60, 40-player raids of the original Vanilla Azeroth.

But would Blizzard actually create entirely new content for WoW Classic? While many players have been vocal about their desire for Classic Plus, it's essential to separate facts from rumors and leaks. Let's take a look at what we do know about the future of WoW Classic.

What Do We Know About the Future of WoW Classic?

  • 1. Patch 1.15 has been in development for 6 months

On April 20, 2023, Blizzard began working on Patch 1.15, which has been under development for the past six months. This patch has been kept encrypted, meaning no data mining has been possible so far. It recently moved to the WoW Vendor Branch, and this suggests that testing may be available in the near future. Historically, major patches have introduced significant changes to Vanilla WoW, such as the initial release of WoW Classic with Patch 1.13 in 2019 and the Season of Mastery with Patch 1.14 in 2021.

  • 2. Blizzard has confirmed a new season is coming

In a Community Event stream on May 13, 2023, Blizzard announced that a new season is indeed coming to WoW Classic. However, they clarified that it would not be "Season of Mastery Two". This implies that there will be different changes and adjustments compared to the previous season. Blizzard has promised to share more information later this year, leading us to believe that Blizzcon might be the perfect event to unveil these details.

  • 3. Blizzard is examining "legacy events" for future seasons

In September 2022, Blizzard faced numerous issues during the launch of the Wrath Classic Pre-Patch event. As a result, they implemented hotfixes and patches to address the problems. In a detailed explanation, Blizzard mentioned that they are closely examining legacy events and exploring "different flavors" of WoW Classic for potential future seasons. While the exact meaning of this statement is unclear, some speculate it could involve level 60, 40-player raids based on future WoW content and expansions.

  • 4. Blizzard has experimented with new content and class changes

In recent years, Blizzard has demonstrated a willingness to tweak and experiment with WoW Classic. For example, during the Season of Mastery, they introduced significant encounter changes to raids like Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. They also created entirely new items and revamped classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The positive reception from the community indicates that Blizzard is capable of designing engaging content for WoW Classic.

Considering these points, it is unlikely that Blizzard would permanently add new content to the eternal Classic Era realms. However, a seasonal realm approach seems more feasible. Similar to other seasonal games like Diablo, Blizzard could introduce temporary changes, such as class balance adjustments or new content, without disrupting the Classic Era realms. If players respond positively to specific changes, they could even be implemented in the eternal realms.

So, what can we expect at Blizzcon? While a Classic Plus announcement would be exciting, Blizzard might surprise us with something entirely different. 

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