Discover New Engineering Questline in Season of Exploration - Unlock Alternate Specialization Blueprints

April 06, 2024 3 minutes

A new discovery has been made in the world of Warcraft! WowCarry is excited to share with you the Season of Discovery questline, reported to us by the knowledgeable Wowhead user Geartrix. This questline opens up new opportunities for both Goblin and Gnomish Engineers, allowing them to learn recipes from the other specialization. If you've always wanted to broaden your engineering skills, this is your chance!

In the past, Goblin and Gnomish Engineers were restricted from learning recipes associated with the other specialization. However, Phase 3 of the game introduced the Engineering Exchange Ticket, changing the game rules for engineers. Once you've leveled up your Engineering skill to 225 and unlocked a specialization, a new quest will become available to you.

A Quest with a Twist

Head to the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles and seek out Fizzbizz Coppercoil. He will offer you the quest "Gnomish Solutions" if you are a Gnomish Engineer, or "Goblin Solutions" if you are a Goblin Engineer. To complete this quest, Gnomish Engineers must provide two Gnomish Harm Prevention Belts, while Goblin Engineers need to provide five Goblin Land Mines.

Once you've handed in your quest items, Fizzbizz Coppercoil will reward you with another quest, depending on your specialization. Gnomish Engineers will receive the quest "Gnomish Problems," which requires you to venture into Un'goro Crater and defeat Thunderstomp Stegodon to acquire a Thunderstomp Stegodon Horn. Similarly, Goblin Engineers will be assigned the quest "Goblin Problems."

Be prepared for a few more tasks along the way. You will need to complete the quest "Watering Down the Competition," which involves finding a Box of Scarlet Dye in one of the houses in Hearthglen. Return to the Shimmering Flats once you have completed this quest, and get ready for more exciting adventures!

The Final Step

After completing several quests, such as "Victory Lap for the Gnomes!," you will finally be directed to speak with Maximillian "The Greaser." He will offer you the quest "Hush Money," which is a weekly quest that rewards you with an Engineering Exchange Ticket. Keep in mind that you can only complete this quest once a week.

It will take a total of eight weeks to earn all the available recipes for each specialization. Once you have completed all the weekly quests, Maximillian "The Greaser" will present you with a list of recipes for the specialization opposite to yours. Take a look at the new possibilities:

Goblin Engineering Recipes Gnomish Engineering Recipes
Schematic: Goblin Sapper Charge Schematic: Gnomish Battle Chicken
Schematic: Goblin Mining Helmet Schematic: Gnomish Death Ray
Schematic: Goblin Rocket Boots Schematic: Gnomish Shrink Ray
Schematic: Goblin Construction Helmet Schematic: Gnomish Rocket Boots
Schematic: Goblin Mortar Schematic: Gnomish Goggles
Schematic: Goblin Rocket Helmet Schematic: Gnomish Net-o-matic Projector
Schematic: Goblin Bomb Dispenser Schematic: Gnomish Mind Control Cap
Schematic: Goblin Dragon Gun Schematic: Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt
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