Phase 2 Season of Discovery Runes Wishlist

January 15, 2024 4 minutes

Welcome to our blog post on the Season of Discovery's Phase 2 wishlist! As we eagerly await the new phase, we have compiled a list of runes and potential abilities that we and the community would love to see introduced. Our goal is to fill design gaps in Classic's class mechanics, while also adding flavor and class fantasy to the game. We have thoughtfully included ideas for every specialization of every class, showcasing the amazing ability designs that have been introduced over the last two decades of World of Warcraft!


In Wrath of the Lich King, the Druid class received an ability called Eclipse, which transformed Balance into a viable DPS specialization. With the introduction of the Starsurge rune in Phase 2, the interaction between Eclipse and Starsurge would create exciting rotational opportunities for Moonkin Druids.

Another ability we would love to see in Phase 2 is Berserk, a Feral Druid cooldown that has undergone numerous redesigns over the last 15 years. Whether it reduces energy costs or restores combo points, the addition of Berserk would enhance the gameplay loop for Feral Druids.

Tree of Life is one of the most iconic Restoration Druid spells in World of Warcraft. The current Dragonflight design, functioning as a major healing cooldown, would greatly benefit Druid healers in Classic content.


Melee Hunters in Season of Discovery lack both damage and rotational tools. Coordinated Assault, an interactive cooldown, would bring the Survival fantasy to life. The spells benefiting from Coordinated Assault would need some adjustments, but the development team has already proven their ability to make such changes with the introduction of Flanking Strike.

Marksman Hunters already have powerful abilities like Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot. Adding a passive talent like Lock and Load would encourage an active playstyle with effective resource management. Adjusting the proc to provide flat or over-time Mana regeneration would make sense for Classic Hunters.

Aspects are integral to the Hunter class fantasy in Classic, so why not add another one? Aspect of the Beast, a permanent buff, would increase the overall damage potential and tankiness of Hunter pets due to increased effects from pet passives. Who knows, we might even see Wind Serpents become raid tanks in the future!


Arcane Barrage, a staple spell in future Arcane Mage toolkits, would provide spot-healing and movement tools for Mage healers and Arcane Mages. The addition of Summon Water Elemental would bring back the versatility to the Frost Mage toolkit, while Dragon's Breath would enhance Fire Mage gameplay and offer an alternative to Cone of Cold.


The Auras in Classic are iconic to the Paladin class. Introducing an ability like Aura Mastery, which allows players to enhance or completely change an aura of their choice, would be a fantastic addition. Avenging Wrath, with its "wings" representing one of the most important cooldowns across all three Paladin archetypes, would make an excellent rune in Phase 2. Lastly, Divine Steed would partially fill the movement gap in the Paladin toolkit while maintaining the classic Paladin aesthetic.


Shadow Priests face hybrid DPS issues in Classic, and Mind Spike could provide a straightforward way to deal decent direct damage. Rapture, a unique spell in the Discipline toolkit, would add great utility to Priests and their allies. Lastly, Lightweaver, a Dragonflight Holy Priest talent, rewards the use of staple healing spells in the Holy Priest toolkit.


Roll the Bones, a finisher introduced in Legion, embraces the Gambling Rogue fantasy. Adding generic buffs that all Rogue archetypes can benefit from would enhance the usefulness of this ability. Fan of Knives, introduced in Wrath of the Lich King, provides a solution to the issue of Rogues lacking proper AoE damage. Additionally, allowing Combo Points to be shared across all enemies, a groundbreaking change from Warlords of Draenor, would greatly improve the quality of life for Classic Rogues of all archetypes.


Two-Handed Enhancement Shaman is a beloved fantasy within the community. Sundering, an exclusive spell only castable with two-handed weapons, would perfectly showcase the fantasy of a two-hand-wielding master of the elements. Summon Earth Elemental, with its defensive capabilities, would be a valuable addition to Shaman tanking. Totemic Recall, an ability that enhances totem utility, would make sense for the Classic Shaman gameplay experience.


The Demonology fantasy has seen significant evolution in Retail, especially in terms of temporary minions. Hand of Gul'dan, temporarily summoning three regular Imps, would provide flavorful and engaging damage cooldowns. Havoc, introduced in Cataclysm, would offer a great situational pick for Warlocks. Burning Rush, a soft movement option, would address the lack of proper movement abilities for Warlocks in Classic.


Warriors endure hard crowd control in Classic, and Bladestorm would be a powerful spell to add to their arsenal. Gladiator Stance, which temporarily increased all physical damage and replaced Shield Block with Shield Charge, could potentially return to the game. Shockwave, a great way to interrupt targets, would complement the existing Pummel ability for all Warrior archetypes.

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