Season of Discovery US & EU Server Mergers - Complimentary Character Transfers

May 05, 2024 2 minutes

Welcome to a new update from WowCarry! Today we're delving into important changes affecting several game servers in the Season of Discovery. Through careful analysis, it has become evident that certain realms such as Lava Lash and Chaos Bolt have not achieved the desired level of active player engagement. Consequently, Blizzard has decided to make some strategic adjustments to enhance the gaming environment and ensure a vibrant community atmosphere for all players.

Analysis of Server Populations

In examining the current player statistics, it is clear that some realms are not performing as well as others. The Lava Lash realm in both the US and EU alongside the Chaos Bolt server in the EU have experienced lower than desired player numbers. This decline in active users has prompted Blizzard to reevaluate the sustainability of these servers.

The Impact on Roleplay Realms

The Lava Lash realm, known for its roleplay ruleset, has traditionally been left untouched to preserve its unique player dynamics. However, recent evaluations show that even with new transfers, these realms remain underpopulated. This has hindered the ability of players to fully engage in and enjoy the roleplaying experience that Blizzard aims to provide.

Consequences for Chaos Bolt

Similarly, the Chaos Bolt realm, though relatively new, has not met expectations in terms of active population. Initiated to handle overflow from other servers, it now faces its own set of challenges with declining player numbers.

Transitioning to New Realms

To address these issues, Blizzard is making significant changes to ensure players can continue to enjoy rich, engaging communities. Players from the affected servers will have options to transfer their characters to more populated realms.

Available Transfer Options

Blizzard has opened transfers for players from Lava Lash and Chaos Bolt to either Wild Growth PvE or Crusader Strike RP-PvP servers, according to their respective regions. Here are the detailed transfer options:

Current Server New Server Options Server Type
Lava Lash (US/EU) Wild Growth PvE, Crusader Strike RP-PvP Roleplay
Chaos Bolt (EU) Wild Growth PvE, Crusader Strike RP-PvP General / PvP

These transitions are facilitated through a free transfer option available within the in-game store at the character select screen. Blizzard has ensured that this transfer process will be available indefinitely, allowing players ample time to make their move.


The decision to close certain realms and open transfers is aimed at consolidating the player base to enhance community interactions and overall gameplay experience. By migrating to realms with healthier populations, players from Lava Lash and Chaos Bolt can look forward to revitalized community dynamics and a breadth of new opportunities in their gaming experience. We hope this transition will be smooth and beneficial for all players involved. Stay tuned for more updates as the situation develops, and happy adventuring in your new realms!

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