Season of Exploration Phase 3 Patch Notes - Temple of Atal'Hakkar Raid, Class Updates

April 02, 2024 5 minutes

Today, we'll be taking a detailed look at the Phase 3 patch notes for Blizzard's Season of Discovery, which includes exciting new content such as the Temple of Atal'Hakkar raid and class changes. Get ready for an epic adventure as we dive into the world of Azeroth!

New Runes and Nightmare Incursions

In Phase 3, adventurers will have the opportunity to discover new runes, adding an extra layer of depth to the gameplay. Each class will have access to at least six new runes, providing unique abilities and enhancing their playstyles.

Additionally, a thrilling new activity called Nightmare Incursions has been introduced. Players will face off against demonic creatures that have invaded the dream portals in various zones. To embark on these challenging missions, seek out the Field Captain NPCs near the Dream Portals in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Feralas, and Hinterlands. These NPCs will guide you through the dangerous encounters and offer special Nightmare-Only consumables to aid your journey. Remember, it's recommended to form a 3-5 player group when venturing into the nightmare!

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

Prepare yourself for an epic raid experience in the newly revamped Temple of Atal'Hakkar, also known as The Sunken Temple. This 20-player raid dungeon offers all-new encounters, challenging mechanics, and of course, fabulous loot. It's time to gather your guildmates and test your might against the formidable foes that await you. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

Class Changes

With the Phase 3 patch, several significant class adjustments have been made to enhance the gameplay experience. Let's take a closer look at some of the most impactful changes:

  • Hunter

  • Sniper Training (Rune) - The Critical Strike bonus now stacks over time when the hunter remains stationary, providing a more strategic approach to ranged combat.
  • Trueshot Aura (Talent) - This ability now grants an additional benefit of increased attack power to the hunter providing the aura buff.

  • Shaman

  • Spirit of the Alpha (Rune) - Casting this ability on another friendly target now grants a flat 5% damage bonus to the shaman who cast it, as well as reducing threat generated by 30%.
  • Lava Lash (Rune) - The damage output of this ability has been adjusted, dealing off-hand weapon damage. The bonus damage is increased if the off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.

  • Warlock

  • Lake of Fire (Rune) - Channeling the full duration of Rain of Fire now grants an increased fire damage benefit.
  • Metamorphosis (Rune) - While in Metamorphosis form, warlocks can no longer benefit from Soul Link.

  • Warrior

  • Shield Slam (Talent) - The threat calculation for this ability has been redesigned, allowing it to scale with tank damage and block value. Additionally, Shield Slam gains double benefit from block value.

Gnomeregan Professions and Other Updates

In this phase, Gnomeregan takes the spotlight with some well-deserved attention to its professions. The recipes sold by Ziri "The Wrench" Littlesprocket have undergone significant price reductions, allowing players to enhance their crafting without breaking the bank. Furthermore, an additional teleporter has been added to Feralas, making it easier for players to return to higher grounds after an unexpected trip down.

The Blood Moon

The infamous Blood Moon has seen some changes as well. The Bloodstained Commendations, previously obtained from Mai'zin's vendor list, have been replaced with a new version purchasable with the Massacre Coin currency. Players level 48 and above can acquire these coins and exchange them for various rewards. Please keep in mind that any existing Bloodstained Commendations in your inventory will expire after two weeks, so be sure to use them before Tuesday, April 16th!

The Battle for Ashenvale and Other Quest Updates

The daily quest rotation in Ashenvale has been revamped, allowing players to complete "Repelling Invaders" and "Clear the Forest" on a daily basis rather than weekly. This change provides more opportunities for players to engage in the ongoing battle for this contested territory.

Several other quests and repeatable turn-ins have also been adjusted for Season of Discovery. The Wastewander Water Pouches turn-in quest in Gadgetzan no longer grants experience, and the Troll Necklaces turn-in quest in Aerie Peak follows suit. In addition, Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin Marks of Honor quests in the 30-59 level range no longer grant experience.

Lastly, the level 50 class quests from the Temple of Atal'Hakkar have been improved. Players will now receive all loot options for their class, allowing them to make the most informed decision for their character progression. This change ensures that players have a better understanding of the rewards available to them, avoiding any potential "traps" for less experienced individuals.

Dungeon Loot Updates and PvP Honor System

Get ready for some exciting loot updates as several items in dungeons like Zul'Farrak, Uldaman, Maraudon, and Blackrock Depths have been revamped with new and updated stats. Explore these dungeons once again to discover powerful gear and enhance your character's capabilities.

For PvP enthusiasts, the PvP Honor system is back with a vengeance in Season of Discovery Phase 3. The rank cap has been increased to rank 7, allowing dedicated players to climb the ranks and earn prestigious rewards. Look out for the new set of Level 50 PvP gear available at various ranks!

Dual Talent Specialization

Great news for those seeking versatility in their playstyles! Seek out the esteemed dwarven explorer Grendag Brightbeard to learn the art of Dual Talent Specialization. Grendag can be found in Ironforge's Forlorn Cavern and Orgrimmar, and at level 40, you can purchase a second talent specialization. Embrace new strategies and adapt to different challenges with this exciting feature.

That wraps up our comprehensive overview of the Phase 3 patch notes for Blizzard's Season of Discovery. With the Temple of Atal'Hakkar raid, class changes, and various updates, there's never been a more exciting time to venture into the world of Azeroth. Join us on April 4th at 1:00 pm PDT as the Season of Discovery Phase 3 goes live worldwide. Brace yourselves for thrilling adventures and unforgettable memories!

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