Dalaran 10.2.7 Update: Silver Covenant & Sunreaver Guards, Potential Addition to Council of Six

April 29, 2024 4 minutes

Dalaran, the iconic city in World of Warcraft, has undergone some interesting changes in the latest PTR update for Patch 10.2.7. As we delve into the updates, we discover the return of the Silver Covenant and Sunreaver guards, as well as intriguing developments within the Council of Six.

The Guards of Dalaran

In the past, Dalaran's Alliance-only area was guarded by Worgen, while the Horde area had Forsaken guards. This change was implemented in Legion, replacing the Silver Covenant High Elves and Sunreaver Blood Elves who previously guarded their respective faction areas. However, in the recent PTR update, Dalaran has reverted back to its original faction guards. The Silver Covenant High Elves and Sunreaver Blood Elves once again ensure the safety of their respective areas.

Alliance Guards:

  • Silver Covenant High Elves

Horde Guards:

  • Sunreaver Blood Elves

The Council of Six

The Council of Six, the ruling council of Dalaran and leaders of the Kirin Tor, has experienced some changes as well. The blue Dragon Aspect Kalecgos recently retired from the council following the events of the Amirdrassil raid. Kalecgos, now that his Aspect powers have been restored, has decided to focus on his dragonflight. The remaining members of the council are Khadgar, Karlain, Ansirem Runeweaver, Modera, and Vargoth.

During the 10.2.7 PTR, four of the council members can be found within the Portrait Room of Dalaran's Chamber of the Guardian, excluding Khadgar. Interestingly, Karlain is seen conversing with an encrypted NPC who currently appears as a blue-and-white block. Could this mysterious character be Kalecgos' replacement?

Here is a breakdown of the council members:

Council Member Location
Ansirem Runeweaver Portrait Room, Chamber of the Guardian
Modera Portrait Room, Chamber of the Guardian
Vargoth Portrait Room, Chamber of the Guardian
Karlain Portrait Room, Chamber of the Guardian

  • A New Council Member?

The Council of Six is traditionally composed of six members, so it is only logical that a replacement will be chosen after Kalecgos' departure. Two potential candidates emerge as prime contenders for the vacant position:

  1. Aethas Sunreaver: Aethas was previously a member of the council until the Mists of Pandaria events. During that time, the Horde used a Sunreaver portal to steal the Divine Bell, a powerful artifact, which led to Jaina, the leader of the Kirin Tor then, purging the Sunreavers from Dalaran. However, in Legion, the Sunreavers were once again permitted to rejoin the Kirin Tor after Jaina resigned. Aethas, though, never resumed his role. With the return of the Sunreaver guards, it is plausible that Aethas would seek to reclaim his previous position.
  2. Jaina Proudmoore: As the former leader of the Kirin Tor, Jaina possesses the experience and qualifications necessary for a council member. While her current role as Lord Admiral of the Kul Tiran may limit her availability, it is not entirely out of the question for her to reconsider her stance on the Sunreavers and assume a position on the council again.

However, there is another intriguing possibility on the PTR - Magister Umbric, a Void Elf. Formerly Blood Elves, Umbric and his followers were exiled from Silvermoon due to their connection with the Void. After joining the Alliance with the aid of Alleria Windrunner, they have settled in the fragmented Void world known as Telongrus Rift. Recent updates on the PTR have revealed a Void Portal in Telongrus Rift, adorned with a Dalaran/Kirin Tor banner. Additionally, Umbric has appeared as an NPC in the 10.2.7 data, although specific details regarding their model or location are yet to be unveiled. Given the impending threat of Xal'atath and the Void, it seems reasonable for the Kirin Tor to consider the insights of an expert like Umbric as a potential addition to the council. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the feature trailer for the upcoming patch shows Alleria Windrunner arriving at Dalaran, suggesting her involvement with the city and the council.

Final Thoughts

The latest PTR update for Patch 10.2.7 brings significant changes to Dalaran, the beloved city of World of Warcraft. With the return of the Silver Covenant and Sunreaver guards and the potential addition of a new council member, the city's landscape and politics are about to undergo another transformation. As the fate of Azeroth hangs in the balance, the Council of Six must navigate the complexities of leadership and alliances in a world plagued by conflict.

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