Updated Archon (Warcraft Logs) Tooltip Addon for the Season of Discovery

May 08, 2024 3 minutes

Welcome to the latest blog post brought to you by WowCarry! Today, we are thrilled to dive deep into the fascinating world of Warcraft Logs' new release—the Archon Tooltip Addon for the Season of Discovery. This promising early access launch is here to revolutionize how players interact with game data right within their gaming environment. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or a curious newcomer, this post aims to uncover everything from the addon's functionality to its installation process, so let's explore this new tool designed to enhance your gaming strategy and in-game awareness.

The Introduction to Archon Tooltip Addon

Archon, known for its innovative gaming solutions, has unveiled an early access phase for its latest product, the Tooltip Addon, tailored specifically for the Season of Discovery. This addon is a game-changer for users, allowing them to seamlessly view detailed player statistics by simply hovering over characters or shift-clicking names directly in-game. For now, accessibility is exclusive to members of the Alchemical Society Patreon, with plans to broaden its availability following successful alpha testing across other World of Warcraft games.

Key Features at a Glance

The Archon Tooltip Addon enhances gameplay by offering detailed insights into player performances, including character parses, All Star Points, and global rankings. This tool is incredibly user-friendly, providing data on hover or through expanded in-game interactions such as shift-clicking or utilizing the guild window. Moreover, players can effortlessly obtain a "Copy WCL URL" for deeper analysis by right-clicking to access more intricate details on the Warcraft Logs website.

Installation Guide

Setting up the Archon Tooltip Addon is straightforward, ensuring you get back to gaming with minimal downtime. Follow these easy steps to integrate this powerful tool into your gameplay:

  1. Download the appropriate Uploader client from Archon's platform.
  2. If you are a member of the Alchemical Society, proceed by toggling the 'Install Character Tooltip Addon' option.
  3. Select 'Vanilla' from the dropdown menu to find the Addon tab.
  4. Enable the 'Install Character Tooltip Addon and Automatically Keep Up-to-Date' option. This will auto-select data sets relevant to your character's profile, with options to customize data reception.

Once set up, the addon automatically updates to deliver the latest data, ensuring you are always equipped with the most current information to enhance your play.

Exciting Prospects: What’s Next for the Addon?

The early release of the Archon Tooltip Addon is just the beginning. As we anticipate expanding these functionalities, here are some of the potential enhancements that could make their way into future updates:

  • Linking main characters with their alts for a unified data view
  • Increased customization options for user interfaces
  • Display of guild progress and speed rankings to foster competitive gameplay
  • Incorporation of recruitment details to aid guilds in their expansion efforts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long will the addon be in early access?
While a specific timeframe has not been set, our team is diligently working to extend this tool to additional games and ensure a smooth transition out of early access.

Why release this addon?
The decision to develop our own addon came after much consideration. Community attempts to access similar data indirectly led to inefficiencies and increased costs. This direct approach not only satisfies community demand but also lays the groundwork for more advanced in-game features in the future.


The Archon Tooltip Addon for Season of Discovery opens up a myriad of possibilities for enhancing the WoW gaming experience. As early access progresses, potential updates and additional features promise to bring even greater depth and functionality to this already impressive tool. Stay tuned with WowCarry as we continue to provide updates and in-depth coverage on the latest in WoW gaming advancements!

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