DPS Rankings for Icecrown Citadel in Week 12 of WotLK Classic Phase 4

January 03, 2024 3 minutes

Hello, WoW players! Today, we have an exciting topic to discuss: the DPS rankings for Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel. As always, we want to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information, so we'll be using data from Warcraft Logs. Keep in mind that this analysis is based on the data for the week of December 26th and focuses on the 95th percentile. Let's dive in!

Understanding the Data

Before we jump into the rankings, it's important to understand the source and some inherent biases in analyzing this data. The statistics we're using are from the Icecrown Citadel Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs. While this data is valuable, it's crucial to remember that it's not a complete picture of Phase 4 balance. Certain specs that are considered underpowered may be played less frequently and appear weaker than they actually are. This is often because performance-oriented players tend to gravitate towards the strongest specs, widening the gap between top and bottom performers even further.

Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge that alternative strategies and parse funneling may skew the rankings for the 95th percentile. To address this, we'll also be including an overview of the overall statistics to provide a comprehensive perspective for all specs.

DPS Rankings - Icecrown Citadel Phase 4 (Week of December 26th)

  • 95th Percentile Statistics

Let's start by looking at the DPS rankings for the 95th percentile. These are the top performers in terms of damage output:

Class Damage to Bosses Overall Damage
Blood DK 1st 1st
Frost DK 2nd 2nd
Unholy DK 3rd 3rd

  • Overall Statistics

Now, let's zoom out and examine the overall statistics for Phase 4 of Icecrown Citadel. Here is the overall damage output for each class:

Class Damage to Bosses Overall Damage
Blood DK 1st 1st
Frost DK 2nd 2nd
Unholy DK 3rd 3rd


In summary, these DPS rankings for Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel give us valuable insights into the current state of class balance. However, it's important to interpret the data with caution due to the inherent biases and limitations mentioned earlier. Make sure to consult our comprehensive Class Guides to optimize your performance and take advantage of your spec's strengths. Good luck in your adventures! 

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