Event Guides: Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall Updates on Wowhead

March 26, 2024 7 minutes

Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall events have recently gone live on the Wrath of the Lich King Classic realms after undergoing necessary maintenance. These exciting events involve both factions, Alliance and Horde, working together to reclaim territories - Gnomeregan and the Echo Isles respectively. To help players navigate through these new events in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Wowhead has prepared comprehensive guides detailing every step of the way.

Operation: Gnomeregan Event

Zalazane's Fall Event

Players in the Alliance will be assisting High Tinker Mekkatorque in Operation Gnomeregan, while members of the Horde will be answering Vol'jin's call to reclaim the Echo Isles from Zalazane's grasp. These events provide excellent opportunities for players to represent their factions with pride.

Increased Dungeon Drops

In celebration of the launch of Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall, as well as the upcoming Cataclysm Classic, adjustments have been made to the Defense Protocol: Gamma dungeons and the acquisition rate of Heroic tier tokens in 25-player Icecrown Citadel. There are also temporary adjustments to the acquisition rates of Fragments of Val'anyr and Shadowfrost Shards in Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel respectively. These changes are as follows:

  1. All Defense Protocol Gamma bosses now drop 2 Defiler's Scourgestones instead of 1.
  2. All Icecrown Citadel 25-player Normal and Heroic bosses are guaranteed to drop 1 Shadowfrost Shard.
  3. All Icecrown Citadel 25-player Normal and Heroic end wing bosses and the Lich King now drop 2 guaranteed Shadowfrost Shards.
  4. All Icecrown Citadel 25-player Heroic end wing bosses will drop an additional Heroic tier token.
  5. The Lich King now drops 2 additional Heroic tier tokens on 25-player Heroic difficulty.
  6. All "Hard Mode" encounters in the 25-player version of Ulduar are now guaranteed to drop 1 Fragment of Val'anyr.

These changes will take effect during each region's regular maintenance, starting from the week of March 26 and will continue until the end of the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch period.

Alliance: Operation Gnomeregan

Horde: Zalazane's Fall

In response to the imminent attack on Gnomeregan, citizens of Azeroth are given the opportunity to join the cause. As honored members of the Alliance, High Tinker Mekkatorque calls upon you to serve the exiled gnomes. The objective is to reclaim Gnomeregan, and the best way to achieve that is through a well-executed offense. Whether you are a seasoned hero or a budding adventurer, you can help rally the gnome forces with the assistance of a device called the Motivate-a-Tron. This powerful invention ensures that the citizens of Tinker Town are united behind the Gnomeregan banner, without turning them into critters in the process.

Once you have successfully rallied new recruits, Mekkatorque will send you to Steelgrill's Depot. This location serves as the staging grounds for the Gnomeregan offensive, and here you will meet Captain Sparknozzle. Follow his commands by completing Drill Sergeant Steamcrank's training and testing the capabilities of the brand new Mechano-Tanks before deployment to the front lines. Your fear of heights will be put to the test as you carry out a critical bombing run to neutralize the irradiation vents under the command of Pilot Muzzlesprock.

Every hero, regardless of their experience, can contribute to the war effort. Even if you are just starting out as an adventurer in places like Kharanos or Elwynn Forest, you can help by fueling the preparations for the assault on Thermaplugg's poisoned followers. This might involve something as mundane as slaying boars to provide comfort in the siege pilot seats. Additionally, you can assist Toby Zeigear, a master wordsmith, in crafting High Tinker Mekkatorque's battle cry.

For Operation: Gnomeregan, only the most battle-hardened heroes of the Alliance (levels 75-80) will be called upon to serve. Once Mekkatorque determines that the operation is ready to commence, you must speak with him on the front lines before embarking on a full assault of the enemy airfield, surface command post, and the tunnels of lower Gnomeregan. Thermaplugg, the formidable gnome adversary, has deployed "Brag"-bots to spread his propaganda and hubris. However, by sticking with Mekkatorque and Doc Cogspin, you can ensure your safety and cleanse Gnomeregan of its irradiation and trogg infestation. Success will earn you the prestigious Gnomeregan Overcloak, a symbol of your bravery during this historic event.

Get ready, for Operation: Gnomeregan is about to commence, and Gnomeregan needs YOU!

"Zalazane Must Fall!" Cries Vol'jin

The small troll village of Sen'jin, nestled on the Durotar coast, is buzzing with activity. In response to the assertive claims made by High Tinker Mekkatorque, troll chieftain Vol'jin has declared his intention to honor the ancestors and reclaim the troll homeland. The call has been sounded, and the scattered Darkspear tribe is gathering at the once-sleepy location. The beating drums and acrid smoke filling the air are signs of celebration and preparation for the upcoming offensive against Zalazane, the twisted witch doctor who has wronged the Darkspears and their land given to them by Thrall.

With the full support of Thrall and his counterparts, Vol'jin calls upon all factions of the Horde to prepare for an assault on the Echo Isles and Zalazane. Those passing through the village, regardless of their experience or achievements, are given the chance to join their troll brothers in this brutal attack. But first, careful preparation is required. Adventurers will assist Vanira, a renowned troll shaman, who needs frogs for her sacred totemic rituals. The exact purpose of these ceremonies remains unclear, but a bat handler awaits, hinting at the possibility of a downpour of frogs upon the Echo Isles. When asked for further comment, Vanira cryptically mentioned the need for "da perfect spies." It appears that unconventional weaponry may play a vital role in this conflict. However, spying is just the beginning. The esteemed troll shaman, Champion Uru'zin, will guide new recruits and train them to become battle-hardened Darkspear warriors. Vol'jin emphasizes the importance of "trollin' for volunteers" in building a formidable strike force to overthrow Zalazane's hexed Darkspears.

Vol'jin believes that the spirits favor the Darkspear tribe. Can their animistic beliefs truly manifest into an advantage against Zalazane? Only Vanira and her beguiled spies can answer this question. Legends speak of a tribe of troll druids who once called the Echo Isles home. If this is true, then it is a sign of good omens during these times of war. Witch Doctor Hez'tok, a special figure capable of deciphering such phenomena, may hold the key. To assist Hez'tok in his ceremony is to earn the privilege of wearing the Darkspear Pride, allowing adventurers to take on the form of an elite Darkspear Warrior during battle. Wearing such a prestigious garb is a testament to the ancestors of a people long plagued by intertribal warfare.

Once preparations are complete, Champion Uru'zin will call upon seasoned Horde veterans (levels 75-80) to aid in the assault. If Vol'jin's plans come to fruition and everything is indeed ready, a full-scale assault will be launched from the shores of Sen'jin village. Vol'jin is even offering a rare Sen'jin Overcloak to those who contribute to Zalazane's downfall.

Preparations for Zalazane's fall are underway, but will it be enough to defeat this formidable witch doctor? Proud members of the Horde, it is time to stand with your disaffected troll brethren and witness the true strength of the Darkspear tribe!


The Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall events are now live on the Wrath of the Lich King Classic realms, bringing new challenges and opportunities for both Alliance and Horde players. As you embark on these quests to reclaim territories and defeat powerful adversaries, remember to embody the spirit of your faction and fight with bravery and honor. Whether you choose to serve High Tinker Mekkatorque or answer Vol'jin's call, the success of these events depends on your dedication and skill. May the battles be glorious and the victory belong to your respective faction!

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