Line of Sight Clarification for ICC Sindragosa - WotLK Classic

September 20, 2023 4 minutes

Hey there, fellow adventurers! It's WowCarry here with some exciting news for all you World of Warcraft Classic players. We've received reports of a rather intriguing issue involving the line of sight mechanic during the Sindragosa encounter in Icecrown Citadel on the Wrath of the Lich King PTR. But fear not, my friends, for Blizzard has come to our aid and shed some light on the matter.

Let's delve into the details, shall we? Many players have discovered that when dealing with Ice Blocks during the Sindragosa encounter, line of sight can be a little tricky to navigate. Blizzard has stepped in to clarify the situation, assuring us that this is no bug; rather, it's how line of sight operates when it comes to temporary objects like ice blocks.

Understanding Line of Sight Mechanics

To put it simply, if you find yourself auto attacking from behind an Ice Block, you won't be granted line of sight to avoid mechanics. So how do we ensure we stay in the clear? Blizzard recommends disabling your auto attack if the Ice Block is positioned close enough to the boss that you can melee. Failure to do so will result in the Ice Block not functioning as a line of sight obstruction.

This mechanic was intentionally implemented by the developers to prevent situations where players could position themselves safely behind an ice block in melee range while still being able to dish out damage to the boss. The original logic behind it dates back to the Sapphiron encounter in the original World of Warcraft, way back in 2006. So, rest assured, this is not a recent change but has been a part of the game for quite some time.

Applying Line or Sight Mechanics

Now that we understand the mechanics behind line of sight and Ice Blocks, let's take a look at how you can apply this knowledge effectively during the Sindragosa encounter.

  • Steps to Ensure Line of Sight

  1. If you notice that you are within melee range of the boss and close to an ice block, make sure to turn off your auto attack. This ensures that the ice block functions as a legitimate line of sight obstruction and prevents you from bypassing mechanics.
  2. It's important to note that this mechanic only applies to situations where you are actively attacking a creature. If you are simply standing near an ice block without engaging in combat, the line of sight rules do not come into play.
  3. Be mindful of your positioning during the Sindragosa encounter. Properly utilizing the ice blocks and understanding line of sight mechanics can make a significant difference in your success.

  • Table of Line of Sight Mechanics

For a quick visual reference, here's a handy table detailing the line of sight mechanics with regards to Ice Blocks:

Scenario Line of Sight Applies
Auto attacking from behind an Ice Block No
Standing near an Ice Block without engaging in combat No
Attacking a creature while near an Ice Block Yes

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to optimize your gameplay and ensure that line of sight mechanics work in your favor during the Sindragosa encounter in Icecrown Citadel.


There you have it, adventurers! Blizzard has clarified the line of sight mechanics related to Ice Blocks during the Sindragosa encounter. It's important to remember that if you're auto attacking from behind an Ice Block, line of sight will not be granted to protect you from encounter mechanics. This intentional design choice has been a part of the game since the days of the original World of Warcraft. So, be sure to disable your auto attack when in proximity to an ice block and engage in combat responsibly.

Final Thoughts

Now armed with this newfound knowledge, it's time for you to put it into action and conquer the Sindragosa encounter with ease. Remember, understanding game mechanics and how they interact with various elements of the game can greatly enhance your overall gameplay experience. So, stay informed, stay prepared, and enjoy your adventures in Azeroth!

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