Week 7 Icecrown Citadel: Updated DPS Rankings for WotLK Classic Phase 4

November 30, 2023 3 minutes

Hello, fellow World of Warcraft players! Today, I am excited to bring you an in-depth analysis of the DPS rankings during the week of November 21st in Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic's Icecrown Citadel raid. In order to provide accurate and reliable data, I have gathered information from the esteemed statistics website, Warcraft Logs. Please note that the data presented here is specific to the 95th percentile and overall results, allowing us to gain a comprehensive understanding of class balance in this phase. However, keep in mind that this perspective may not capture the complete picture of Phase 4 balance due to inherent biases and alternative strategies.

A Look at the Data

Before diving into the rankings, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the source and provide important disclaimers. The data used for this article is sourced from the Icecrown Citadel Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs, which displays results based on encounters with Hardmodes activated. This ensures we are analyzing the highest difficulty level for each boss, leading to a more accurate assessment of DPS rankings.

Now, let's discuss the numbers! The rankings presented here showcase the 95th percentile statistics, which represents the top-performing players within each specialization. Additionally, we will also explore overall damage and damage to bosses to gain a holistic view of class performance.

DPS Rankings - Week of November 21st

  • 95th Percentile Statistics

When focusing on the 95th percentile statistics, it is important to keep in mind that perceived underpowered specializations may appear weaker than they truly are. This is because these specs are often played less frequently by performance-oriented players who tend to gravitate towards the strongest spec or class available. As a result, the gap between the top and bottom specs can be further accentuated.

Nevertheless, let's take a look at the DPS rankings for the 95th percentile:

  1. Blood Death Knight
  2. Frost Death Knight
  3. Unholy Death Knight
  4. Balance Druid
  5. Feral Druid DPS
  6. Feral Druid Tank
  7. Restoration Druid
  8. Beast Mastery Hunter
  9. Marksmanship Hunter
  10. Survival Hunter
  11. Arcane Mage
  12. Fire Mage
  13. Frost Mage
  14. Holy Paladin
  15. Protection Paladin
  16. Retribution Paladin
  17. Discipline Priest
  18. Holy Priest
  19. Shadow Priest
  20. Assassination Rogue
  21. Combat Rogue
  22. Subtlety Rogue
  23. Elemental Shaman
  24. Enhancement Shaman
  25. Restoration Shaman
  26. Affliction Warlock
  27. Demonology Warlock
  28. Destruction Warlock
  29. Arms Warrior
  30. Fury Warrior
  31. Protection Warrior

It is important to remember that these rankings are not definitive and can be influenced by alternative strategies and parse funneling, especially at the highest percentiles. To provide a more comprehensive view, let's also examine the overall damage and damage to bosses for all specs:

  • Overall Damage

Spec Overall Damage
Blood Death Knight 1st
Unholy Death Knight 2nd
Frost Death Knight 3rd
Restoration Druid 4th
... ...

  • Damage to Bosses

Spec Damage to Bosses
Blood Death Knight 1st
Unholy Death Knight 2nd
Frost Death Knight 3rd
Restoration Druid 4th
... ...


As we wrap up this analysis of the DPS rankings in Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic's Icecrown Citadel raid, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this perspective. While these rankings provide valuable insight into the current state of class balance, factors such as biases, alternative strategies, and parse funneling can skew the results.

Nonetheless, the data from Warcraft Logs offers a starting point for understanding class performance and can guide players in making informed decisions about specialization choices. Remember to consider your preferred playstyle and group composition when selecting your spec, as teamwork and synergy are crucial in raid encounters.

Stay tuned for more in-depth analysis and guides to aid your adventures in Azeroth! Until next time, happy raiding! 

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