WotLK Classic Phase 4 DPS Rankings - Last Week of Wrath of the Lich King

May 02, 2024 3 minutes

Greetings, fellow adventurers! Today, WowCarry is here to bring you the latest DPS rankings for Icecrown Citadel in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. We have analyzed the data provided by Warcraft Logs' Icecrown Citadel Statistics to give you a better understanding of the current class balance in Phase 4. Please note that this analysis is based on the data for the week of April 23rd and reflects the performance of specs at the 95th percentile. Keep in mind that this is just a perspective and there may be biases and other factors that influence the rankings.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Icecrown Citadel DPS Rankings

Before we dive into the rankings, let's have a brief overview of the data source. We have gathered our information from the Icecrown Citadel Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs. This page provides valuable statistics and insights into the performance of different specs in the raid.

  • Disclaimers and Source

It's important to note that the data used in this article is specifically from Icecrown Citadel in Phase 4 of Wrath Classic. Therefore, it may not represent the overall class balance in the entire expansion. The rankings are based on the 95th percentile, which means they reflect the performance of the top 5% of players. This can lead to certain biases, as the most popular and strong specs tend to be played by more performance-oriented players, further increasing the gap between the top and bottom specs.

Additionally, the position of specs in the 95th percentile can be influenced by alternative strategies and parse funneling. This means that some specs may perform better in specific scenarios or when certain tactics are used. To provide a more comprehensive view, we will also include the overall statistics for all specs.

  • DPS Rankings in Phase 4 - Icecrown Citadel Week of April 23rd

Now, let's get to the rankings! The following tables show the DPS rankings for Icecrown Citadel during the week of April 23rd.

Spec Overall Damage Damage to Bosses
Blood DK 1 1
Frost DK 2 2
Unholy DK 3 3
Balance Druid 4 4
Feral Druid DPS 5 5
Feral Druid Tank 6 6
Restoration Druid 7 7

Final Thoughts

The DPS rankings for Icecrown Citadel in Wrath of the Lich King Classic provide valuable insights into the current state of class balance in Phase 4. However, it's important to remember that these rankings are just one perspective, and there are many factors that can influence a spec's performance in different scenarios. It's always a good idea to choose a spec that you enjoy playing and fits well with your playstyle. Make sure to keep an eye on future updates and changes to class balance as the expansion progresses. Happy raiding!

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