Blizzard's Response to Season 3 Trinket Feedback

September 19, 2023 2 minutes

Blizzard's response to Season 3 Trinket Feedback

Season 3 is an exciting time for World of Warcraft players, with new trinkets being introduced in Patch 10.2. In this blog post, we will be focusing on the trinkets for Intellect Ranged DPS, but we welcome your thoughts on any trinkets we may have missed. We appreciate the valuable feedback from the community, as it helps us make improvements to the game.

One notable change that Blizzard has made in response to feedback is to Nymue's Vengeful Spindle. In the next PTR update, this trinket will be adjusted to deal less damage while providing additional Mastery. The intention is to make it feel like a Mastery trinket with some damage output, rather than the other way around. This change aims to address the perception that damage trinkets are currently underpowered and undesirable for ranged DPS players.

Tuning trinkets is an ongoing process, and Blizzard aims to ensure that the effects are balanced. The developers rely on both community data from the PTR and internal testing to make informed decisions on tuning. Their goal is to offer players a variety of viable trinket choices in every tier.

Belor'relos, the Sunstone: A Caster-Specific Trinket

One specific trinket that Blizzard has designed for caster classes is Belor'relos, the Sunstone. The goal for this trinket is to provide a useful tool for all caster classes, although it may not be ideal for every specialization. Blizzard acknowledges that if other trinkets like Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge and Ashes of the Embersoul are universally preferred over Belor'relos, it would indicate a tuning failure.

Augury of the Primal Flame: A Non-Caster's Delight

On the other hand, there is a trinket called Augury of the Primal Flame that is designed to excel for non-caster classes. Blizzard understands that this trinket may scale better for non-casters and could potentially become overpowered if it were balanced solely based on caster performance.

By carefully considering the feedback from the community and conducting thorough testing, Blizzard aims to create a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience for all players. It's important for players to share their thoughts and opinions on the trinkets introduced in Season 3 and Patch 10.2, as this input helps shape the direction of the game.


Blizzard's response to Season 3 Trinket Feedback highlights the ongoing process of tuning trinkets to ensure balanced gameplay. The adjustments made to Nymue's Vengeful Spindle and the design approach for trinkets like Belor'relos, the Sunstone and Augury of the Primal Flame demonstrate Blizzard's commitment to creating a variety of viable trinket choices for players. Order the VIP or Armor Type Priority option for the Amirdrassil today, and you have a higher chance of getting this trinket!

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