Developer Interview with Maria Hamilton & Kristy Moret: Insights from BlizzCon 2023

November 05, 2023 3 minutes

Welcome to the blog post by WowCarry! Today, we will be discussing the exciting highlights from the recent group interview with Morgan Day at BlizzCon. This interview provided more details on Warbands, support specs, and open world gearing in the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion. Let's dive in and explore the key takeaways!

Warbands and Hero Talents

One of the major highlights from the interview was the introduction of Warbands and Hero Talents. These new systems will be evergreen, meaning they will be present in the game for multiple expansions to come. Within the Warbands system, a new item type called "Warbound" will be introduced. Players will be able to send these items across their Warbands, allowing for increased collaboration and support among group members.

Furthermore, it was mentioned that hard achievements like Famed Gladiator will remain character-specific. However, gold and currencies will be shared across the Warband, including the bank. Currencies can also be shared between characters, although there may be a loss when converting between them. Additionally, players will have the ability to craft items out of the Warband reagent bank, providing a convenient way to utilize shared resources.

    • Account Wide Progression & Renown

In the upcoming expansion, players will experience account-wide progression and renown. This means that the progress made on one character will contribute to the overall advancement of all characters within the player's account. This exciting change allows for a more streamlined and cohesive gameplay experience across multiple characters.

    • Unlock Transmog with Any Character

A notable feature mentioned in the interview is the ability to unlock transmog appearances with any character. This removes the restrictions previously placed on transmog collections, enabling players to fully customize their appearance regardless of the character they are currently playing. This change will greatly enhance the fashion aspect of the game, encouraging players to experiment with different looks and styles.

Delves and Outdoor Endgame Content

Delves were another topic of discussion during the interview. The upgrade system will be making a return, and players can expect to earn valuable currency by engaging in Delves. These outdoor activities offer exciting rewards and serve as a challenging endgame content system. However, it was clarified that outdoor rewards for the Great Vault will not include Mythic raid gear. The development team is still exploring the upper limit of rewards and balancing the gameplay experience.

    • Four New Zones in The War Within

The War Within expansion will introduce four new zones for players to explore. These zones will provide unique environments, quests, and stories, contributing to the rich and immersive world of World of Warcraft. With each new expansion, players can look forward to fresh landscapes and thrilling adventures.

    • Eight Dungeons and Nerub'ar Palace Raid

The War Within will also bring eight new dungeons for players to conquer. These instanced challenges will test their skills and coordination, offering valuable rewards upon completion. Additionally, the first raid of the expansion, Nerub'ar Palace, will provide a thrilling encounter filled with epic boss battles and captivating lore.


In conclusion, the group interview with Morgan Day at BlizzCon revealed exciting updates and features coming to World of Warcraft in the upcoming expansion, The War Within. The introduction of Warbands, Hero Talents, and account-wide progression offers new ways for players to collaborate and progress within the game. Delves and outdoor endgame content provide challenging activities and rewards for players seeking a competitive gameplay experience. With new zones and dungeons to explore, The War Within promises to captivate players with its immersive world and thrilling storytelling. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates as the release date approaches!

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