Tag open world gearing

John Barrymore November 05, 2023
The blog post provides a summary of a recent group interview with Morgan Day at BlizzCon, discussing various aspects of the upcoming Warcraft expansion, including warbands, support specs, and open world gearing. Some highlights include the introduction of a new item type called Warbound, the sharing of gold and currencies across warbands, and the return of the upgrade system.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 5 minutes
Read Wowhead's exclusive interview with Senior Narrative Director Anne Stickley and Associate Game Director Tina Wang from BlizzCon 2023. They discuss The War Within expansion, the introduction of Heroic Talents, and the addition of open world endgame Delve content. Discover the lore behind the Arathi humans and their role in the expansion, as well as other exciting updates coming to World of Warcraft.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 3 minutes
In the upcoming expansion, The War Within, World of Warcraft players will have the exciting ability to use dynamic flying with their Druids' Flight Form. This new feature allows seamless switching between dynamic and static flight styles, making exploration and travel more immersive and convenient.