The Epic Questline of the Displaced Disc in Patch 10.1.7 (Contains Story Spoilers)

September 06, 2023 4 minutes

A new questline continuing the events of Tyrhold has been released this week on live servers. We completed the questline to bring you all the details!

WARNING: Patch 10.1.7 story spoilers ahead!

The Questline Begins

The questline starts with Nozdormu atop the Seat of the Aspects, and will open up after you complete the10.1.7 Shandrisand Eternus questlines.

In the quest "A Dislocated Disc," Nozdormu asks us to meet Eternus in Tyrhold - After Eternus agrees to join the Bronze Dragonflight, she has sworn to help find the disc that contains Tyr's memories, the one that was stolen by Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman.

We then talk to Chromie in "We Have the Technology" about their plan on how to recover the disc - The Infinite Dragonflight created beacons who can track the time aura of powerful artifacts such as the memory disc, and we're using them to triangulate the location of the disc in the timeline.

Aid from Travard

To help us with the task, Travard, the Paladin that originally joined us during the "Sliver of Silver" questline in Patch 10.1, requests us to help finish the training of some of the recruits of the Tyr's Guard in Brackenhide Hollow in "Reforging the Tyr's Guard."

We first assist Travard with bestowing the recruits with the Tyr's Guard armor in "Walking the Path of Tyr." After this, we gotta explore Brackenhide Hollow to help the recruits complete their training in:

  • An Exemplar of Order: Talthis

  • An Exemplar of Sacrifice: Nolaki

  • An Exemplar of Compassion: Valunei

  • An Exemplar of Justice: Hadwin

After this, we return to Tyrhold to induct the recruits into the Tyr's Guard in "For Tyr!"

Preparing for the Mission

The Tyr's Guard assembled, it is time to meet Chromie and Eternus in "First Steps," and we plan on how to deploy our forces in "Tyrangulation." While we were helping the recruits, Chromie and Eternus set portals to three locations relevant to Tyr's life: A time of victory, a time of defeat, and a time bereft of his influence.

We're sent to the Temple of Order in the Storm Peaks, where we participate in the Winterskorn War, where Tyr and the dragon forces were forced to put the Winterskorn clan to sleep after the destruction of Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings.

After we return to Tyrhold with the beacon successfully placed, we learn that the second beacon, at the time of his victory against Ragnaros, was also placed, but the people responsible for the third beacon - sent to a time before Tyr, in a primordial Azeroth - have not returned yet.

We go after them in "The Final Beacon," where we learn the beacon is set in the Black Empire area, and they're running into issues with the Faceless Ones.

With all three beacons safe and set, while we wait for Eternus to triangulate the location of Tyr's disc, we check in with the Tyr's Guard in "Dislocated Disc Located," especially with Valunei - who was fooled by a Faceless One pretending to be her superior as a Vindicator.

  • Lessons Learned

Valunei reflects on her encounter with the Faceless One:

Seeing Iriska again...She was my mentor and like a sister to me. I know that she was an illusion, but having to strike her down...I am shaken to my very center. My heart aches. Not just for Iriska, but that I let my guard down. Talthis could have been killed. The beacon could have been destroyed!

I have always thought my compassion was a strength, but is it a weakness?

No, Tyr had compassion. It was his strength! I must be more wary.

The void is treacherous and will come in many forms... But I am ready, .

I... will be fine.

A New Lead

We then learn the disc is being held in a timeline where the Nighthold is still being held by Elisande in Suramar. This is where the questline ends for now... but this is a very interesting plot point, as Elisande is a master of time magic - And would know the purpose of the time disc.

Eternus: I almost have it... The disc... it is in the Nighthold.

Koranos: The Nighthold... Will it then be difficult to recover?

Chromie: That depends on when. The Nighthold is in Suramar--a great and ancient city and the home of the Nightborne.

Nozdormu: I sense a presence with the disc. A powerful one.

Chromie: Elisande. Oh, that could be a problem. She's a powerful master of magic and would know the disc's power. She may not want to let it go.

Nozdormu: Travard, I would take time to prepare before retrieving the disc. Elisande will be a dangerous foe.

Travard: I will have at my side, but I agree. The Tyr's Guard needs to rest and recover before we face another battle.

Chromie: We'll be ready when you're ready, Travard. We'll get Tyr back!

Travard: Tyr's Guard, before we went to Brackenhide, Koranos and I worked to set up a headquarters for our order, just south of here.

Travard: I call it Tyr's Rest. Follow me there.

Travard: It should be an excellent place to train and prepare for our incursion into Suramar and confrontation with Elisande!

Travard: Of course, you're welcome to join us there, 

That's it! Don't forget to check out our hot offers here and we'll see you in the next post!

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