The Lick Sovereign and Arfus Companion Deciphered in Retail WoW

September 27, 2023 2 minutes

A new Achievement and a unique pet have recently been revealed in Retail WoW! The "Lick King" Achievement has been decrypted on live servers, and with it comes the opportunity to obtain the adorable Arfus Pet.

The "Lick King" Achievement and the Arfus Pet

Category: Feats of Strength - Promotion

The Arfus Pet has made its way into the game files and can now be seen in the Pet Journal. However, it is still unclear exactly how players will be able to unlock this pet in Retail WoW, as Blizzard has yet to provide any specific details. The only information available about Arfus can be found in the 3.4.3 PTR development notes, which provide instructions on how to obtain the pet in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

Titan Rune Dungeons - Defense Protocol Gamma Adjustments

In addition to the Arfus Pet, the WoW Classic Development Team has also made adjustments to the Titan Rune Dungeons. They have introduced individual achievements for each defense protocol gamma dungeon, as well as a meta achievement for completing all of them. As a special token of appreciation, players who complete this meta achievement will be rewarded with the ghostly pup, Arfus.

The WoW Classic Development Team has expressed their fondness for Arfus, who has served as an unofficial mascot for the team. In order to share their love for this spectral companion, the team decided to create a model for Arfus and introduce him into Wrath of the Lich King Classic. It is important to note that the current model visuals and sounds for Arfus are not yet complete, but the finalized version will be available in the next PTR build, expected to release early next week.

The WoW Classic Dev team would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to the players for participating in the 3.4.3 PTR and for joining them in playing Wrath of the Lich King Classic. They express their gratitude by offering this special reward and hope that players enjoy the company of Arfus in their adventures.

It is speculated that the introduction of the Arfus Pet and the associated achievement may be part of a cross-promotion strategy, enticing Retail WoW players to experience the final patch of Wrath of the Lich King Classic. However, it should be noted that if this is indeed a cross-promotion, Retail players will require suitable gear and companions to tackle the challenges that await them in Wrath Classic.


With the revelation of the "Lick King" Achievement and the inclusion of the Arfus Pet, the WoW community is buzzing with excitement for the potential rewards and adventures that lie ahead. Whether this is a cross-promotion or a standalone promotion, Retail players are eagerly anticipating the chance to obtain this unique pet and showcase their dedication and skills in the world of Azeroth. While the Retail release of that cute undead puppy is still under question - we can surely expect it at WotLK Classic.

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