WoW Dragonflight
Highland Drake Embodiment of the Hellforged
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Highland Drake Embodiment of the Hellforged
What you will get
When I get the mount?
  • Embodiment of the Hellforged Customization
    Upon completion of our service, you will be rewarded with the prestigious Embodiment of the Hellforged Customization. This exclusive customization option elevates your Highland Drake mount, transforming it into a striking symbol of your gaming prowess. The customization includes unique visual enhancements that embody the fierce and formidable spirit of the Hellforged. These enhancements are not just aesthetically pleasing but also serve as a mark of distinction, setting you apart from fellow adventurers in the World of Warcraft universe.
  • Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth Achievement
    By the end of our service, you will earn the coveted Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth Achievement. This achievement is a badge of honor, signifying your successful conquest of one of the most challenging bosses in World of Warcraft. It represents your skill, strategy, and dedication to overcoming formidable foes in the Mythic difficulty setting. Achieving this milestone not only boosts your in-game reputation but also adds to your collection of achievements, showcasing your elite status among the community of gamers.
  • ", Heir to the Void" Title
    As a crowning achievement of our service, you will be bestowed with the impressive title of ", Heir to the Void." This title is more than just a name; it's a testament to your mastery and triumph in the World of Warcraft. Wearing this title grants you a unique identity in the game, reflecting your ability to face and conquer the darkest and most challenging aspects of the Void. It's a symbol of respect and power, distinguishing you as a formidable player in the vast world of Azeroth.

Acquiring the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged in World of Warcraft is a process that normally takes 1-4 days. This time frame is standard for this service, reflecting the typical duration needed to secure this prestigious mount. Our commitment is to adhere strictly to this timeline, ensuring that you receive the Highland Drake within this specified period.

Our team, comprised of experienced mount professionals, is dedicated to potentially reducing this time frame. While the 1-4 day window is standard, our experts will exert every effort to expedite the process, without compromising the quality and reliability of the service.

The duration to acquire the Highland Drake is influenced by the current raid schedule for Mythic Sarkareth. This schedule is a pivotal factor in determining the exact time required for the completion of this service. We align our efforts with the raid timings to optimize the process.

Furthermore, we offer round-the-clock support. Our 24/7 availability ensures that you can conveniently check the progress of obtaining the Highland Drake at any time. This constant support is part of our commitment to provide a seamless and transparent service, keeping you informed every step of the way. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to delivering the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged to you within the established 1-4 day time frame.

  • Level 70 Character
    In order to obtain this mount, you should have at least one character on the account that has reached level 70. This is a requirement set by the game developers and cannot be bypassed.
  • Selfplay
    You will have to personally participate in the raid during the service, but our team will do all the heavy lifting while you can enjoy the boss encounter. This service is perfect for those who wish to enjoy the excitement of the raid without the intensive involvement. Sign up now and let us take care of the challenges while you reap the rewards!

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of mounts in World of Warcraft?
Mounts in World of Warcraft can be categorized into ground mounts, flying mounts, and water mounts. Some mounts can also serve multiple purposes, such as ground and flying or ground and water. Additionally, mounts can be grouped based on their acquisition methods, such as Challenge mounts, Dungeon and Raid mounts, Open World mounts, Reputation mounts, Achievement mounts, and PvP mounts.
How do I increase my mount's speed in World of Warcraft
Your mount's speed is primarily determined by your character's riding skill. As you progress through the game and reach higher levels, you can train higher levels of riding skills to increase your mount's speed. Some passive abilities, such as the Paladin's Crusader Aura or the Death Knight's On a Pale Horse, and certain items, like riding crops or guild banners, can also temporarily increase your mount's speed.
Can I use my flying mounts in all areas of World of Warcraft?
Flying is generally allowed in most areas of the game, except for battlegrounds, arenas, and certain indoor locations. However, new expansions typically have flying restrictions, which require players to complete specific achievements, such as the Pathfinder achievements, to unlock flying in those zones.
How do I summon or use a mount in World of Warcraft?
To summon a mount, open your Collections tab (default hotkey: Shift+P), and click on the Mounts section. Here, you can browse your available mounts and either drag them to your action bar or set them as your favorite mounts. To summon a mount from your action bar, simply press the corresponding hotkey. To summon a random favorite mount, you can use the Summon Random Favorite Mount button in the Mounts section of your Collections tab.
Can I share mounts with my other characters on the same account?
Yes, most mounts are account-bound, which means they are accessible to all characters on the same account, regardless of faction or server. However, some mounts are restricted by race or faction, and others may require specific prerequisites, such as riding skill or class restrictions, to be used by your other characters.

Unleash the Power of the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged

Step into the realm of the extraordinary with the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged, a prestigious mount in the World of Warcraft universe. This rare and majestic creature is not just a means of transportation, but a symbol of your prowess and dedication. Available exclusively to those who conquer Mythic Sarkareth, this mount is a testament to skill and perseverance. It takes 1-4 days to complete, depending on the current Mythic Sarkareth kill schedule, ensuring that each journey with this Drake is a unique adventure.

Path to Dominance

  1. Embark on a treacherous journey deep into the Zaralek Caverns, once home to Neltharion's secret laboratory.
  2. Navigate through a labyrinth of danger, battling Neltharion's horrific experiments and Sarkareth's loyal servants, while evading the Zaqali Djaradins intent on rescuing their Elder.
  3. Engage in an epic confrontation with Sarkareth, one of the mightiest Scalecommanders of the Dracthyrs, who will resort to the powers of the Void in a desperate attempt to vanquish his foes.
  4. Triumph over your adversaries and claim your prize - the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged, a mount that will elevate your status and display your achievements across Azeroth.

A Spectacle of Terror and Beauty

  • The Highland Drake mirrors the fearsome visage of Kazzara, the Hellforged, the formidable first boss of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible.
  • Behold a dragon encased in sharp, shadowflame-infused metal plates, a true embodiment of strength and terror.
  • Witness the awe-inspiring flaming aura that emanates from this mount, a display that incinerates nearby enemies and asserts your dominance.

Acquiring the Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged is not just about owning a mount; it's about making a statement. This mount is a symbol of achievement, power, and distinction, making it a must-have for any serious World of Warcraft player. The Highland Drake is not just a mount; it's a legend that you can ride into battle, showcasing your victories and inspiring awe in all of Azeroth.
