WotLK Classic Phase 4 DPS Rankings - Icecrown Citadel Week 28 Revised

April 24, 2024 4 minutes

Hey there, WoWCarry here! Today, we're going to dive into the exciting world of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel. More specifically, we'll be looking at the DPS rankings during the week of April 16th. To provide you with accurate information, we'll be analyzing data from the Icecrown Citadel Statistics page on Warcraft Logs. This data will help us paint a better picture of the current state of class balance in Wrath Classic. However, keep in mind that this analysis only represents an incomplete perspective of Phase 4 balance, so take it with a grain of salt.

Disclaimers and Source

Before we delve into the rankings, it's important to acknowledge a few disclaimers and discuss our data source. The statistics presented in this article were obtained from the 95th percentile data on the Icecrown Citadel Statistics page on Warcraft Logs. By looking at the top percentile, we can gain valuable insights into class performance. However, it's worth noting that this approach may introduce some biases. For instance, specs considered underpowered tend to be played less, making them appear weaker than they actually are. This is because performance-oriented players often gravitate towards the strongest spec or class, causing a further imbalance between the top and bottom specs.

Furthermore, it's vital to recognize that alternative strategies and parse funneling may skew the position of certain specs in the 95th percentile rankings. To address these concerns and provide a more comprehensive overview, we will also discuss the overall statistics for all specs. Additionally, the statistics displayed on Warcraft Logs reflect the highest difficulty available for each boss encounter, as the rankings we're discussing are specific to encounters with Hardmodes activated.

DPS Rankings in Phase 4 - Icecrown Citadel Week of April 16th

Without further ado, let's jump right into the DPS rankings for Phase 4 in Icecrown Citadel! We'll be focusing on the week of April 16th, which provides us with a snapshot of the current standings for different specs. For the sake of brevity, we won't go through each spec individually, but worry not! We have a comprehensive Class Guides section that you can explore if you're seeking more detailed information about specific specs for Phase 4 and 5 of Wrath Classic.


In summary, the DPS rankings from the week of April 16th in Icecrown Citadel provide us with intriguing insights regarding class performance in Wrath Classic. However, it's important to approach these rankings with an understanding of their limitations and potential biases. If you're looking to fine-tune your gameplay or explore different specs, our Class Guides section offers detailed guides to help you navigate through Phases 4 and 5 of Wrath Classic. Remember, the adventure awaits, and it's up to you to make the most of your journey through Icecrown Citadel!

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