An In-Depth Look into the Diablo 4 Class Balance on the PTR

April 13, 2024 5 minutes

Greetings adventurers! Welcome to another blog post from WowCarry. Today, we are diving into the exciting changes coming in Season 4 of Diablo 4. The recent Diablo 4 PTR gave players a glimpse into what's in store, including new bosses and revamped itemization. Our Class Leads have carefully analyzed the buffs and nerfs in Patch 1.4.0 PTR, and we're here to share their thoughts on the current state of each class. Let's jump right into it!

State of the Barbarian

The Season 4 PTR brought some significant changes for Barbarians, and while it may not be all good news, there's still a silver lining. The Hammer of the Ancients Barbarians did take a hit to their damage output, which was a necessary change considering their dominance in the meta. However, other skills like Charge and its best modifier received considerable nerfs as well. On the other hand, Kick feels exceptionally strong, and Call of the Ancients is starting to emerge as a viable Ultimate contender. Some previously popular skills like Unbridled Rage and Marshal may no longer be as effective. The Barbarian class did suffer from some nerfs, such as the nerf to Blood Rage and the removal of their innate 10% Damage Reduction. But this was expected, given the need to balance the gameplay. Overall, Patch 1.4.0 and the new gear systems seem to breathe new life into the Barbarian playstyle, offering exciting opportunities for unique builds.

State of the Druid

For Druids, the changes in Season 4 were more incremental, with no major shakeups in the meta or tier list rankings. However, there's one exception - the introduction of new Companion-based builds. The biggest winners are the Companions themselves. In the PTR, Companions now inherit 100% of the Druid's attributes, addressing the scaling issues they previously faced. Wolves, in particular, now deal significantly improved damage. These changes allow players to enhance the Companions' stats, cooldown reduction, attack speed, and effect durations through the Tempering system, making them even more formidable. Additionally, Companion skills have received numerous upgrades in passives and Paragon, making them an essential addition to many builds. Storm-based builds also benefit greatly from the new Tempering affixes, making them top-tier options for Season 4. However, Earth skills seemed to have been overlooked, with limited enhancements and underwhelming unique items. Nevertheless, Druids still have a wide range of viable builds to explore in the upcoming season.

State of the Necromancer

The PTR testing revealed some exciting news for Necromancers in Season 4. Minion enthusiasts rejoice! Minions now inherit 100% of the Necromancer's stats, making them incredibly powerful across all content. Golems, in particular, can now deal huge hits and stand tall alongside other Necromancer builds. This change opens up more possibilities for those who enjoy builds centered around minions. Additionally, Necromancers now have multiple ways to reduce damage, including skill point scaling damage reduction in Decrepify, Paragon nodes, and unique items like Greaves of the Empty Tomb. Gone are the days of slow-moving Necromancers. The class now has access to movement speed increases on various pieces of gear, as well as a new way to become unstoppable by utilizing Golems in minion builds. The new Unique ring, Ebonpiercer, adds further excitement for Blight enthusiasts, although it did encounter some issues in the PTR. Overall, Necromancers have a wide range of viable builds and look forward to an exciting season ahead.

State of the Rogue

The Rogue class received numerous buffs and reworks, adding more power to their damage values. Patch 1.4.0 introduced two new Uniques, Saboteur's Signet and Scoundrel's Kiss, which further enhance the Rogue's abilities. The majority of Rogue builds remain similar to their previous iterations but are now elevated in power through the new Tempering affixes. Crowd control abilities are now easier to come by, thanks to the new Tempering affixes. However, Blizzard has acknowledged the popularity of the Elemental Surge affix set and plans to make changes before the official release of Season 4. The rework of Legendary Aspects and the introduction of Saboteur's Signet have contributed to the viability of Grenade-centric builds. Scoundrel's Kiss transforms Rapid Fire into a devastating AoE spell, making it a must-have for many Rogue builds. While not as flashy as other classes, the Rogue class continues to thrive with new possibilities in Season 4.

State of the Sorcerer

The future looks bright for Sorcerers in Season 4. The class offers outstanding build diversity, thanks to two powerful new Uniques and a plethora of Tempered Affixes. Fractured Winterglass, the new Unique Amulet, allows Sorcerers to freeze and stagger enemies with ease, making them a force to be reckoned with. Flameweaver, another new Unique, synergizes well with Burning effects, resulting in devastating damage output. Although the playstyle of Frostweaver still feels clunky, it has become more viable compared to earlier iterations. Additionally, the introduction of exclusive Teleport Tempered Affixes opens up opportunities for pure Teleport Sorcerer builds. However, the focus on Maximum Life rolls in itemization changes may present some challenges, and the sheer power of some items, like Heart of Flame, may become problematic. Despite these considerations, Sorcerers have a wide range of exciting builds to explore in Season 4.

With an array of changes and updates coming in Season 4, Diablo 4 promises to be an exhilarating experience for all players. Each class offers its own unique playstyle and viable builds, allowing players to explore different strategies and find their perfect fit. Make sure to stay updated with the latest news and guides as Season 4 approaches, and may your adventures in Sanctuary be epic!

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