Boosting a Diablo 4 PTR Character to Level 100 Resets Codex of Power

April 03, 2024 3 minutes

Hey, fellow gamers! It's WowCarry here, bringing you some exciting news about the latest patch in the world of Diablo 4. If you're a player who has entered the Public Test Realm for Patch 1.4.0, there is an important issue that has been discovered which I'm sure you'd want to know about. So let's dive right into it!

A Major Issue with Codex of Power

Recently, it has come to our attention that there is a bug in the game that causes the Codex of Power to be reset, resulting in the loss of any progress made by the players. This issue occurs specifically after boosting a character to level 100 using the NPC in Kyovashad. Sadly, the Codex of Power upgrade process will reset to zero, meaning that any upgrades made to the various Aspects in the Codex will be erased.

Imagine spending hours upgrading your Codex of Power for various characters, only to have it wiped clean when you boost another character to level 100. That's definitely frustrating!

  • Pre-Boost vs Post-Boost

Before we delve into the details of a possible workaround, let's first understand the situation. When you boost a character to level 100 before upgrading the Aspects in the Codex of Power, you won't face any issues. However, if you boost a character to level 100 after upgrading the Aspects, the Codex will be reset to its original state for all characters. That's definitely a bummer!

A Temporary Solution

While the developers are working on a permanent fix for this bug, they have suggested a temporary workaround. If you wish to have multiple characters and don't want to risk losing your progress, here's what you can do:

  1. Create and boost all of your alt characters to level 100 before you start upgrading the Aspects in the Codex of Power.
  2. By following this workaround, you can prevent a new character from accidentally removing all your progress in the Codex as you battle your way through the Diablo 4 PTR.

Final Thoughts

It's always unfortunate to encounter bugs and issues in a game that we are so passionate about. However, it's important to remember that the developers are actively working on resolving these issues to provide us with the best gaming experience. So, let's remain patient and continue enjoying the exciting world of Diablo 4 in the PTR.

That's all for now, folks! Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

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