Diablo 4 Season 4 Update Overview

March 20, 2024 5 minutes

Blizzard has recently unveiled the exciting changes and updates coming to itemization and crafting in the highly anticipated Season 4 of their popular game. In a recent livestream called Campfire Chat, the developers shared a wealth of information about these upcoming changes that are sure to enhance the gameplay experience for all players. Let's dive into the details of these itemization and crafting updates!

Base Item Updates

One of the major changes players can expect is a reduction in the overall amount of loot dropping. However, this reduction is aimed at improving the quality of the loot, allowing players to find more valuable and impactful items. The intention behind this change is to encourage players to utilize crafting as a means of further customizing their gear to suit their playstyle and preferences.

In addition, to streamline the game and remove unnecessary clutter, many unused affixes have been eliminated from the item pool. This means that players will encounter more relevant and potent affixes during their adventures. Furthermore, existing affix values will also be adjusted to ensure that they have a noticeable impact on gameplay.

The developers have also made changes to the trading system. Legendary or Unique items will now be tradeable, giving players more flexibility in acquiring the items they need. However, once an item has been modified, such as through Enchanting, it will become accountbound.

As for the loot dropping in different World Tiers, only Sacred items will drop in World Tier 3, while Ancestral items will be found in World Tier 4. This change ensures that players in higher World Tiers have access to more powerful and prestigious items.

Moreover, the number of affixes on certain item rarities has been adjusted. Legendary items will now have three affixes, down from four, while Rare items will have two affixes, down from four.

Additional Itemization Updates

Legendary items dropped by monsters level 95 and above will always have a minimum item power of 925, guaranteeing high-quality items for high-level players.

Gems, a crucial component of character progression, have been simplified and made more impactful. This change aims to improve the overall gem system and make it easier for players to understand and utilize.

Another significant change is the introduction of a cap on gold costs for rerolling items at the Occultist. This alteration ensures that players can engage in item customization without breaking the bank.

Furthermore, some crafting materials have been removed and consolidated, streamlining the crafting process and reducing unnecessary complexity.

In terms of loot dropping, many Unique items can now drop in World Tier 1 and 2, expanding the variety of items available to players in these tiers. Additionally, all Unique items can now drop in World Tier 3, ensuring that players at higher tiers have access to a wider range of unique and powerful equipment.

For those seeking even more powerful items, Uber Unique items will start dropping from monsters at level 55, providing a thrilling challenge for players in the mid-game.

Codex of Power Updates

The Codex of Power, a valuable resource for players, will now contain all Legendary Aspects. Salvaging a Legendary item at the Blacksmith will upgrade the Aspect's values within the Codex of Power. These values can be upgraded up to 16 times, allowing players to maximize their potential.

Furthermore, Legendary Aspects with maxed-out values will only drop in World Tier 4, giving players in the highest tier a chance to obtain the most powerful Aspects.

New System: Greater Affixes

Introducing a thrilling addition to the itemization system: Greater Affixes. These powerful affixes have a chance to appear on Ancestral Legendary or Unique items, granting them a significant boost in power. In fact, Greater Affixes are approximately 1.5 times more powerful than regular affixes on an item.

While regular affixes can be rolled off through Enchanting, Greater Affixes cannot be crafted onto an item. Players can only find them through drops, adding an extra layer of excitement to the hunting and looting experience.

New Crafting System: Tempering

In addition to the exciting changes to itemization, Blizzard is introducing a new crafting system called Tempering. This system allows players to modify their equipment, enhancing its stats and making it more effective in combat. With Tempering, players have the opportunity to fine-tune and personalize their gear to optimize their gameplay experience.

New Crafting System: Masterworking

Alongside Tempering, Blizzard is also introducing the Masterworking system. This system enables players to enhance their gear even further, unlocking additional attributes and bonuses. By investing resources and time into Masterworking, players can truly maximize the potential of their equipment and gain a significant advantage in battles.

With these exciting and extensive changes to itemization and crafting, Season 4 promises to be a game-changer for players seeking a more immersive and customizable gameplay experience. Whether you enjoy hunting for powerful loot or fine-tuning your gear to perfection, these updates offer something for everyone. Get ready to embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles and countless customization options!

Final Thoughts

The upcoming itemization and crafting updates in Season 4 of the game are set to revolutionize the way players approach customization and character progression. With the introduction of new systems, such as Greater Affixes, Tempering, and Masterworking, players will have more control over their gear and playstyle than ever before. These changes are sure to keep players engaged and excited as they delve into the ever-evolving world of the game. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready for an epic Season 4!

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