Stylish Rides - Top Horses Tier List in Diablo 4

April 01, 2024 3 minutes

You know we love our Tier Lists here at Wowhead, and quite possibly the only thing we like more than a nicely ordered list that makes no one happy is reporting on horses. Big horses, small horses, horses with stripes, horses with spots, horses with demonic crystals protruding from their foreheads - we love them all, and Diablo 4 certainly provides tons of them for us to choose from! But how can someone decide for themselves which horses are the best? Isn't there some handy list that shows them all and maybe ranks them from best to worst? Have no fear - Wowhead has you covered with our Best Horses Tier List in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Best Horses Tier List

This Diablo 4 Best Horses Tier List ranks the best Diablo 4 Horses from all sources. Several factors contribute to these rankings, including Horsiness, Prancing Abilities, how much hay they consume, and overall Bling for your Buck- because the more expensive a horse is, the better it is, right?

S-Tier and A-Tier Horses are capable of horsing around at a more competitive level, though A-Tier Horses have a fewneigh-gatives compared to S-Tier Horses. Saddle up, grab your tack, and get ready for the mane event as we rank every Horse in Diablo 4.

Tier List Criteria

These Horses have been ranked based on their Horsiness, Prancing Abilities, and most importantly Bling for the Buck. We cannot stress enough how much Bling for the Buck counts in these rankings. How else are you going to have the best Horses in the game without spending money for them? Tejal's Shop has the best taste, after all.

  • S-Tier

These Horses are the cream of the crop. They scream sophistication. They leave behind gold and money wherever they step. These horses will get you a million views on your social media of choice. No one will judge you for these Horses at all. Also, Old Nell is the best.

  • A-Tier

While not as fancy or expensive as S-Tier Horses, there's still plenty of Bling for your Buck with these fillies. You'll never be as hot to trot as the elite S-Tier Horses, but that's still fine - you do you.

  • B-Tier

We guess Battle Pass mounts can still hold their own on the Horsing Around metrics - even though one of them isfree.

  • C-Tier

Sure, you only have to beat the two most challenging bosses in the game to get these mounts - that's not a big deal, right?

  • D-Tier

Vendors in Sanctuary have to make a living too - horses you can buy for gold are some of the Horsiest Horses to ever Horse.

  • F-Tier

While these Horses might be goodneigh-bors, we have to sayneighto them in terms of ranking. After all, you can just find them for free on the ground - who wants toearnthe Horses they're riding?

No matter which Horse you ride, you can do one thing with every Horse in Diablo 4 - watch them whip, watch them neigh neigh.

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