The Fate of Rare Items in Diablo 4 Season 4

April 10, 2024 4 minutes

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As Diablo 4’s first PTR (Public Test Realm) week comes to a close, players are buzzing with excitement over the upcoming itemization overhaul in the next season. The changes have sparked an interesting question among the community: will Rare items become obsolete? In the Season 4 PTR, Rare items only dropped with 2 random Affixes, while Legendary items always dropped with 3 Affixes. This led to the belief that Legendary items would always have greater potential over Rares. However, the situation may not be as straightforward as it seems.

The New Masterworking System

One of the major changes in the upcoming season is the introduction of the Masterworking system. This new system will allow players to progress their Tempered Legendaries through 12 tiers of upgrades. Notably, tiers 4, 8, and 12 will grant an additional 25% stat boost to a random Affix. If these bonuses happen to land on a single, build-defining Affix, the resulting stat boost would be significant.

Masterworking Tier 4

Due to the random nature of Masterworking, there is an argument to be made for crafting with Rares early on. Rares have fewer Affixes, which means there is a better chance that these random upgrades will apply to a single desired Affix. This can result in a powerful item that rivals Legendary items in terms of effectiveness.

Rare Legendary
1/2 33.33% 25%
2/2 25% 20%

Alternatively, players can choose to sell Rares to vendors for gold or salvage them at the Blacksmith for crafting materials, specifically Veiled Crystals. Even a low-quality Rare item is still worth something, as it can be broken down into its constituent parts. During the PTR, Veiled Crystals were in high demand, making Rares valuable as a source of these materials.

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While Rare items may not be the best-in-slot choice in Season 4, this doesn't necessarily mean they will be useless. The value of Rares lies in their potential for powerful random upgrades and their utility as a source of crafting materials. With the upcoming changes to itemization, it will be interesting to see how players adapt their strategies and whether Rare items find their place in the new meta.


As the PTR for Diablo 4 Season 4 comes to an end, players have been excitedly discussing the upcoming itemization changes. While Legendary items have traditionally been favored over Rares, the new Masterworking system introduces a level of randomness that may make Rares a viable choice for crafting powerful items. Additionally, Rares can be converted into valuable crafting materials, making them useful even if they are not the best-in-slot option. It will be fascinating to see how the meta evolves in Season 4 and whether Rare items regain their significance in the game.

Final Thoughts

The changes in Diablo 4 Season 4 have sparked a lively debate about the role of Rare items in the game. We would love to hear your thoughts on this matter. Do you think Rares will become important again, or will they remain overshadowed by Legendary items? Let us know in the comments below!

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