A Display of Valor: Twelve Days of Mounts - Day 6

December 28, 2023 3 minutes

Welcome to day six of our special Twelve Days of Mounts series, 2023 edition! With the holidays fast approaching, we are excited to present a series of highlights on some remarkable mounts that were added in the latest Dragonflight expansion. Today's featured mount is none other than Valiance!

Valiance - An Undead Steed with an Unusual Story

Valiance is a special mount that was introduced in Patch 10.1.5 as part of the return of Tier 3 items to Naxxramas. This mount holds a secret that was discovered earlier this year. According to the mount's description, Valiance is the chosen steed of Thane Korth'azz. Unlike most undead steeds, Valiance specifically chose Korth'azz as its rider.

Valiance can be found by the stables in Instructor Razuvious's room. However, approaching it will result in a knockback, with Valiance firmly rejecting any attempts to ride it. To obtain the Reins of Valiance and finally be accepted as its rider, there are a few steps you need to follow.

  • The Secrets of Naxxramas:

Before diving into the steps, it's important to note that most of the secrets in Naxxramas are account-wide. So, if you complete a step on one character, you can continue the secret on an alt character that hasn't progressed yet. Now, let's get into the details!

  1. Step 1: Unlock Zackett Skullsmash and his Tier 3 crafting wares.
    • Purchase a Rotten Delicious apple from Zackett Skullsmash for 30 Death's Bargaining Chips.
  2. Step 2: Make sure you are in the 10-man version of Naxxramas with Instructor Razuvious still alive.
  3. Step 3: Slowly approach Valiance and attempt to give it the Rotten Delicious apple. Valiance will eat the apple but still refuse you as its rider.
  4. Step 4: Head to the battle area where you fight Instructor Razuvious.
    • Within the 10-man version, you will find the boss, two Death Knight Understudies, and two Obedience Crystal pillars.
    • Click on one of the obedience crystals to mind control one of the Understudy adds.
    • Bring the mind-controlled add to Valiance, and it will mount the steed.
    • Bring the mounted add back to Razuvious.
    • Dismiss the mind control by clicking on the mind-controlled pet portrait and selecting "Dismiss".
  5. Step 5: Defeat the mind-controlled add and Instructor Razuvious.
    • Upon defeating Razuvious, he will drop the coveted Reins of Valiance mount!

And there you have it! By following these steps, you will finally be able to ride Valiance and become its rightful rider.

A Piece of Undead History:

Did you know that the model used for Valiance, the green recolor of the undead racial mount, was originally seen in Naxxramas during the Naxx40 raid? However, this unique mount was never made available to players until 2023, thanks to the Secrets of Naxxramas and the ability to craft Tier 3 pieces. Now adventurers can obtain this rare mount for themselves and experience its undead majesty up close and personal!


Valiance is a mount shrouded in mystery and steeped in undead history. Obtaining the Reins of Valiance requires some perseverance and puzzle-solving, but the reward is well worth the effort. So, don your armor, delve into the secrets of Naxxramas, and may you be chosen by Valiance as its rightful rider. Claim the Valiance and other exciting mounts now with the help of WowCarry! Happy adventuring!

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