Achieve Level 70 in The War Within with Lightning Speed - Significant XP Requirement Cutback

April 18, 2024 3 minutes

Hey there, gamers! It's WowCarry here, and today we're going to dive into the exciting new expansion for the game Dragonflight called The War Within. One of the biggest changes in this expansion is the significant reduction in experience points required to reach level 70. In fact, The War Within cuts the XP requirement down to just 45% of what was needed in Dragonflight! Let's take a closer look at these experience changes.

Experience Changes Chart

Overall, the experience requirements have been heavily reduced across the board, except for the level 1-10 range which sees a minor increase of around 3%. Here are the specific reductions for each level range:

  • 20% reduction from level 20 to 50
  • 20 to 40% reduction from level 50 to 60
  • 75% to 80% reduction from level 60 to 70

Now, let's take a closer look at the XP changes for each level. The table below compares the XP requirements in Dragonflight (DF) with the new requirements in The War Within (TWW):

Level DF XP Requirement TWW XP Requirement Difference
25 905950 510850 85%
31 1065108 716715 88%
41 1675171 1248485 69%
52 5242024 2348534 69%
63 3305340 934053 70%

As you can see from the table, the XP requirements in The War Within are significantly lower than in Dragonflight. The reduction ranges from 85% to 70% for levels 25 to 63. This means that it will be much quicker and easier to level up and reach the entry point of level 70 in The War Within.


The experience changes in The War Within have a significant impact on the leveling process. Players will spend less time grinding and more time enjoying the new content and features of the expansion. The reduction in XP requirements also opens up the opportunity for new and casual players to catch up to their friends who have been playing for a longer time.

  • Level 60 to 70: A Big Cut

One of the most noticeable cuts in XP requirements is in the level 60 to 70 range. The War Within slashes the XP needed to level up during this period by a staggering 75% to 80%. This means that players can quickly progress through these levels and experience the new content without feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the grind.

  • Level 20 to 50: A Smooth Journey

Another notable reduction in XP requirements is in the level 20 to 50 range. The War Within reduces the amount of XP needed to level up by 20%. This makes the journey from level 20 to 50 a much smoother and more enjoyable experience, allowing players to progress through the mid-level content at a faster pace.

  • Level 50 to 60: A Bigger Boost

In the level 50 to 60 range, The War Within provides an even bigger boost by reducing the XP requirement by 20 to 40%. This allows players to swiftly move through this phase of the leveling process and prepare for the challenges that await them in the higher levels.

  • Level 1 to 10: A Minor Increase

While most of the level ranges see a reduction in XP requirements, the level 1 to 10 range sees a minor increase of around 3%. This adjustment ensures that new players still have a gradual and balanced leveling experience without being overwhelmed by too much content too soon.


The experience changes in The War Within are a welcome improvement for both new and veteran players. With significantly reduced XP requirements, players can level up faster, access new content sooner, and enjoy the game without getting stuck in long and tedious grinding sessions. So get ready to embark on an epic journey through The War Within and experience the excitement of reaching level 70 as quickly as possible!

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