An Exclusive Interview with Holly Longdale - Plunderstorm, Experiments, and Cross-Region Exploration

April 18, 2024 3 minutes

In a recent interview, Warcraft Vice-President Holly Longdale shared some valuable insights about the lessons learned from the Plunderstorm event, the development of experimental game modes, and the possibility of cross-region play between North America and Europe. Let's dive into the highlights of this interview and explore the exciting future of World of Warcraft.

Dragonflight: A Lesson in Sustainable Content

Longdale revealed that the Dragonflight patch cadence was initially planned for eight weeks. However, it turned out to be a valuable learning experience for the team and the players. The developers realized the importance of creating sustainable content that can engage the community for an extended period. This feedback will undoubtedly shape future updates and expansions.

Plunderstorm: Surpassing Expectations

Blizzard was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming success of the Plunderstorm event. It exceeded their expectations and showcased the fantastic dedication and enthusiasm of World of Warcraft players. The event demonstrated the incredible potential for unique and engaging content within the game.

Catering to the Community's Requests

Warbands, Delves, and Follower Dungeons have all been introduced based on community feedback and requests. Longdale emphasized the company's commitment to addressing the needs of different player types, from casual to midcore. Blizzard is actively working on adding more play modes and content to cater to a wider audience.

  • EU x NA Crossplay: A Possibility?

When asked about the potential for cross-region play between Europe and North America, Longdale expressed the company's desire to make it happen. However, she also acknowledged the regulatory issues and different country requirements that need to be overcome. It's a complex challenge, but Blizzard remains hopeful for the future.

  • Release Cycles and Cannibalization

Longdale confirmed that simultaneous release cycles can sometimes impact each other. For example, the announcement of Cataclysm and Shadowlands of Death (SoD) together was a deliberate decision to provide an alternative for players who may not be interested in the transition from Classic to Cataclysm. However, Blizzard strives to plan releases carefully to minimize cannibalization between different versions of the game.

Lessons from Plunderstorm

Reflecting on the Plunderstorm event, Longdale admitted that it didn't go exactly as planned. In hindsight, she acknowledged that they may have overplayed the event's duration and could have approached it differently. However, Blizzard sees this as a valuable learning experience and is now reassessing the lessons learned to improve future events and game modes.

Jeremy Feasel and the Experimental Team

Holly Longdale highlighted Jeremy Feasel (also known as Muffinus) as the leader of the experimental team. Feasel has exciting plans for the future, and as long as the community continues to show their support and appreciation for experimental content like Remix, Blizzard will continue to provide such initiatives.

War Within: Content for Casual Players

Longdale described War Within as a game mode tailored specifically to casual players. It contains a wealth of content, ranging from follower dungeons to delves, which allows players to engage without the need for extensive group coordination. This addition aims to provide more options for players who prefer to play solo or only with a small group of close friends.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the interview with Holly Longdale shed light on the various aspects of World of Warcraft's development and future plans. Blizzard is committed to addressing the needs of its diverse player base and constantly striving to improve and innovate. With exciting experimental modes and the possibility of cross-region play on the horizon, the future of World of Warcraft looks promising.

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