Analyzing Dragonflight Goldmaking - Beneficial or Detrimental? - Wowhead Economy Weekly Recap 313

February 04, 2024 8 minutes

Welcome to the 313th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this blog post, we will be discussing the state of gold making in Dragonflight and exploring both the positive and negative aspects of the system. We will also be exploring alternatives such as Classic and looking ahead to what's coming with Professions in Season of Discovery.

Dragonflight Goldmaking - Good or Bad?

After last week's discussion on Dragonflight profits and the overall system, we received a lot of feedback and comments which was fantastic. To continue the discussion, one player named Manthieus compiled their thoughts on both the good and bad aspects of Dragonflight. It's common for players to look for one reason why something may not be enjoyable, but it's important to acknowledge that there can be both positive and negative elements. Let's dive into the details:

  • Crafting Profession Stats - GOOD (mostly)

One of the positive aspects of Dragonflight is the addition of crafting profession stats. These stats, such as resourcefulness and multicraft, add a new dimension to the crafting system. Crafters now have the opportunity to get lucky with their crafts, potentially receiving free materials from crafting for others. However, as you craft more, it becomes a matter of averages and simple materials once again. On the other hand, the inspiration system was a complete mess and posed challenges for crafters.

  • Spec Trees - Neutral

Spec trees were an interesting addition to Dragonflight, but they were poorly implemented. While they were fantastic in the first few weeks, they posed difficulties for players who didn't take the time to learn and understand them. The lack of flexibility in updating or changing the spec trees later in the expansion was also a drawback. Additionally, the ability for players to eventually max out all the spec nodes made them less like specializations. A respec option could have addressed this issue.

  • Knowledge Points - BAD

Knowledge points played a significant role in Dragonflight, and the acquisition of these points was not well-received by players. The process of obtaining knowledge points was frustrating and time-consuming. Players had to earn 100-130 knowledge points in addition to achieving first-time crafts. After that, they would receive just a few knowledge points per week through various methods. This slow progression made it difficult for players to fully max out their professions.

  • Crafting Orders - GOOD

The ability to customize orders and craft items exactly as needed or desired was a positive addition to Dragonflight. This system allowed for more refined customization and opens up possibilities for future expansions to improve upon it.

  • Making everything BOP - BAD

Forcing players to use the new system by making everything Bind on Pickup (BOP) was unnecessary and felt like an engagement tactic. This decision required everyone to place orders even when they didn't necessarily need to. It raised questions as to why certain items, like cut diamonds, were made BOP.

  • Tradechat spam - BAD

The lack of additional features to aid players looking to buy or sell items was a drawback in Dragonflight. With the wide variety of crafted options available, relying solely on a chat channel for trade wasn't sufficient. It would have been better to have a more organized system in place.

  • Updated Gathering Professions - GOOD

The addition of spec trees and new node variations breathed new life into gathering professions. Previous to Dragonflight, gathering had remained unchanged for a long time, so the updates provided a more enjoyable gameplay experience. It could be even more balanced by adding a cloth/fabric gathering profession to further balance material prices.

  • No replacement for basic gathering - BAD

While the improvements to gathering were positive, they also pushed it into a long-term project similar to crafting professions. This left a gap for basic farming options, resulting in a record low number of herb and ore miners. Currently, 2x4 awakened farms are the only alternative, but those still require group play and are not suitable for everyone.

  • No floor price for materials - BAD

The lack of a minimum price for basic materials posed challenges in Dragonflight. Basic crafting materials had no real value beyond the additional awakened materials required for certain crafts. As a result, basic materials accumulated and the prices dropped significantly. While vendor shuffles served as a temporary solution, they were not the ideal approach.

  • Buffed expansion for bots - BAD

Materials and their prices in Dragonflight were largely influenced by bots. These bots were able to farm in peace on low-population shards but still enjoyed the advantages of selling on a region-wide Auction House. Although their efficiency may have been affected by dragon flying and new node types, they quickly adapted to the changes.

  • Region Wide AH - GOOD (for most) and BAD (for crafters)

The introduction of a region-wide Auction House had both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, it normalized prices for materials and consumables, ensuring fair pricing regardless of the population of a player's realm. This allowed average players to access resources more easily. However, for crafters, the overall prices plummeted, making it more challenging to turn a profit.

  • Region Wide Flipping - GOOD

Region-wide flipping has become an elite method for gold making. It involves cross-realm arbitrage and requires multiple accounts to execute properly. Although this method may only be a temporary opportunity, it is worthwhile to take advantage of it while it lasts.

  • Removing Callings - BAD

While not everyone enjoyed the gameplay loop of Callings, it provided a basic and effective option for players to earn some gold quickly. Dragon races have now replaced Callings, but this activity can become repetitive over time.

  • Removing Mission Table - BAD

It was expected that the Mission Table would be removed due to its exploitation by addons, but it still served as a valuable method for players to earn gold through front-loaded efforts. Its removal was a disappointment for those who relied on it.

These are just some of the aspects evaluated by players in Dragonflight. It is important to note that everyone's experience and opinions may differ, but it provides an interesting overview of what was done well and what could be improved upon in the future.

Phase 2 Professions Update for Season of Discovery

Season of Discovery Phase 2 is almost here, and we recently received in-depth blue posts discussing what we can expect, particularly in terms of Professions. Seren Games (formerly Warcraft Champion) has provided us with all the details for this upcoming phase. As Season of Discovery brings its unique flavor to WoW, it also brings a new economy, and where there are players, there are gold makers!

Is Goldmaking Ruined?

Some players have expressed concerns that the new profession system and work orders have negatively impacted gold making. The introduction of the region-wide Auction House is seen as both a positive and negative change, providing convenience for players, but also affecting individual server economies. The farming aspect of gold making, which many players enjoyed in previous expansions, has been significantly impacted. Farmable materials have decreased in value, making raw gold farming a more lucrative option. The complexity of the work order system and the tight profit margins from crafting gear for the Auction House have also discouraged some players.

Additionally, the lack of new recipes and new materials has led to a decline in demand for certain products. The inspiration system, with its emphasis on quality/ranks and a surplus of materials filling up bags, has further contributed to some players feeling discouraged.

Despite these challenges, it's important to note that gold making in WoW is not completely ruined. While changes have occurred, there are still viable methods to earn gold in Retail WoW. Alternatively, if you prefer the traditional gold-making methods, Classic WoW can be a great alternative to explore.

Keep in mind that these observations are based on personal experiences and opinions. It's interesting to see a quick glance at different opinions and evaluations of Dragonflight's gold-making system and how it has affected players.

  • Final Thoughts

Gold making in WoW is an ever-changing aspect of the game, and it's important to adapt and find new strategies as the game evolves. Some changes may be received positively while others may pose challenges. It's crucial to stay informed, share feedback, and explore alternative opportunities for gold making. As always, I encourage you to check out the further reading section below to delve deeper into the discussions surrounding gold making in WoW. Happy Goldmaking!

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