Azure Span Dreamsurges Fixed in Patch 10.1.7 - Sept 21, 2023 Hotfixes

September 22, 2023 6 minutes

Today's Patch 10.1.7 hotfixes bring some much-needed fixes to the Azure Span Dreamsurges in World of Warcraft. These hotfixes address various issues across different expansions of the game. Some hotfixes are implemented immediately, while others require realm restarts to take effect. Note that certain issues may require a client-side patch update for a complete resolution. We will continue to update this list as more hotfixes are applied.

Azure Span Dreamsurges

  • The Waking Dream event now functions correctly

The public event in the Azure Span called "The Waking Dream" should now properly start without any issues. Players can now participate in this event and enjoy the content as intended.


  • Fixed issue with Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest

There was a bug that prevented players below level 70 from receiving the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest during the Brewfest event. This issue has now been resolved, and players of all levels can now receive this exciting reward.


  • Time Rifts quest can now be completed in raids

The weekly quest called "When Time Needs Mending," which involves Time Rifts, can now be completed in a raid setting. This change allows players to tackle the quest with their raid groups and work together to complete the objective.

  • Fixed bugs in "Refti Retribution" and "The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers" quests

In the quest "Refti Retribution," there was a bug that prevented the objective counter from increasing when survivors were rescued. This issue has been resolved, and players can now progress through the quest without any problems. Additionally, a bug that prevented some players from turning in the quest "The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers" has also been fixed, ensuring a smooth questing experience.

World of Warcraft: Classic Era

  • Extension of Alterac Valley bonus weekend

The most recent bonus weekend for Alterac Valley has been extended. This bonus will now continue until the next bonus weekend, Warsong Gulch, begins on Friday, September 22. Take advantage of this extended bonus period to earn more rewards and enjoy the classic PvP battleground.


  • Class adjustments for Evoker, Priest, Shaman, and Warlock

In this hotfix, several class adjustments have been made specifically for PvP combat. The Evoker's Disintegrate damage has been increased by 33% to improve their killing power outside of cooldowns. The Priest's Penance healing has been increased by 35% to enhance their healing capabilities in PvP. Shaman's Elemental specialization has received adjustments to Volcanic Surge, increasing the damage of Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning. Restoration Shaman's Riptide and Healing Stream Totem healing has also been improved in PvP combat. Lastly, Warlock's Affliction specialization sees an increase in Unstable Affliction's backlash damage.

Dragon Racing

  • Adjusted Gold and Silver times for Flashfrost Flyover Reverse Challenge race

The Gold and Silver times for the Flashfrost Flyover Reverse Challenge race in the Dragon Racing event have been adjusted. These times were initially set too high, causing difficulties for players. With the adjustments, the race should now provide a fair challenge and rewarding experience.


  • New item available for Engineers

Engineers can now purchase Sprocket Containers from Hobart Grapplehammer in Legion Dalaran. Each container costs 50 Leystone and 10 Felslate. This new item will be a valuable addition to an Engineer's toolkit.


  • Fixed loot issue for Zaqali Elders

A bug was causing Zaqali Elders' loot to drop at a lower item level than intended. This issue has now been resolved, and players can expect to receive loot at the appropriate item level from these NPCs.

  • Changes to "Fish in a Bucket" quest in WoW Classic Era

Completing the quest "Fish in a Bucket" will no longer reward gold. This change was made to align with the nature of the game and prevent infinite gold rewards from a single quest. The original quest provided an unlimited, low-risk gold reward that doesn't fit the overall balance of the game.

Secrets of Azeroth

  • Quest adjustments for "They Are Always Listening" and other quests

On the secret day starting with "They Are Always Listening," players should now receive the quest "A Complete Inventory" from Fangli Hoot if they don't automatically receive it by investigating all 6 notes. Additionally, some of the quests in Secrets of Azeroth have been updated to address issues where players could fail to receive important clues. This ensures that players can progress through the questline smoothly.

Hardcore Realms

  • Minor adjustment to PvP flagging at Dun Modr

The Coarse Dynamite thrown by civilian dwarf NPCs at Dun Modr will no longer cause players to become PvP flagged. While this flagging chance was almost negligible, this change ensures that there is zero chance of being flagged by these specific NPCs. However, please note that there are no changes to the general behavior of enemy faction guards in Hardcore Realms. Players still need to avoid enemy faction settlements and PvP-labeled quests if they wish to avoid PvP flagging.


  • Fix for baseline Challenger, Rival, and Duelist achievements

There was a bug preventing players from properly receiving the baseline Challenger, Rival, and Duelist achievements. This issue has been fixed, and players can now earn these achievements as intended.


  • Correct reward for Loamm Roamm Reverse Challenge

The Loamm Roamm Reverse Challenge race should now correctly reward the silver medal. Players who complete the race within the silver time limit will receive the appropriate reward.


  • Various quest fixes and improvements

In this hotfix, several quests have been addressed to fix bugs and improve the overall questing experience. Chromie now offers the questline "No Limits" without requiring the completion of the Dawn of the Infinites dungeon. Maiev Shadowsong no longer points at invisible Felflame Braziers in the quest "Stepping into the Shadows." Moraidormi's disappearance during the quest "Not Today, Fate" has been resolved, and Nozdormu will now enter stealth more appropriately. Demon Hunters can now interact with the Control Console and continue with their Order Hall campaign. Tinkmaster Overspark is now visible, and the quest "The Legend of Mechagon" is once again available for players above level 60.

  • Changes to weekly PvP contribution calculations in WoW Classic Era

In WoW Classic Era, weekly PvP contribution calculations now only award up to the amount of contribution points missing to progress towards the next Rank. Previously, players were intentionally earning dishonorable kills to lower themselves below their current rank threshold and gain additional Rank progress. This change ensures that players first earn up to the amount they are missing from their starting Rank, eliminating the need for dishonorable kills to expedite progress.

  • Fixed unintended Honor reward for Alterac Valley marks turn-in quests

An issue was causing the Honor reward for Alterac Valley marks turn-in quests to be unintentionally doubled. This issue has now been resolved, and players will receive the intended Honor rewards for completing these quests.

Class and item adjustments

  • Preservation fix for Evoker and level requirement fix for Whirring Chainblade

Evokers who use the Preservation ability will no longer cause Verdant Embrace to be placed on cooldown when used during Flow State. Additionally, the Whirring Chainblade now correctly has a minimum level requirement for use, preventing lower-level characters from equipping the item prematurely.

Final Thoughts

Patch 10.1.7 brings much-needed fixes and adjustments to various aspects of World of Warcraft. Whether you're participating in events, completing quests, or engaging in PvP combat, these hotfixes aim to improve your gameplay experience. Keep an eye out for further updates and continue to explore the vast world of Azeroth!

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