Boosted Flightstones and Crests in PvP - November 30 Hotfixes

December 01, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow adventurers! It's WowCarry here with some exciting news from the Dragonflight servers. Blizzard has just released a set of hotfixes that are bound to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you're into dungeons, raids, PvP, or exploring the vast world of Azeroth, there's something for everyone in this update. So, without further ado, let's dive into the details!

Dungeons and Raids

  • Black Rook Hold

In Black Rook Hold, Blizzard has addressed a pesky issue where the Shadowbolt Volley debuff from Dantalionax would sometimes linger on players even after defeating him. Say goodbye to that annoying affliction!

  • Court of Stars

Over at the Court of Stars, a fix has been implemented for Gerenth the Vile's Hypnosis Bat ability. Previously, it was mistakenly affecting players on non-keystone difficulties. But worry not, heroes! You can now delve into this challenging instance with peace of mind.

  • Dawn of the Infinite

If you've ever found yourself accidentally entering combat with Chronaxis or Pendule enemies while traversing the paths in Dawn of the Infinite, your troubles are now over. The latest hotfix has resolved this incidental issue, ensuring smoother gameplay for everyone.


Onto the realm of items, Blizzard has taken care of a couple of concerns. First up, an issue that allowed the Smoldering Seedling to occasionally heal for more than intended has been fixed. Rest assured, the power of this item will now fall within the proper bounds.

In addition, the Ouroboreal Necklet will now trigger Ruby Serpent's Ward from Acid Rain damage as intended. This fix ensures that the full potential of this necklet is unlocked and ready to aid you in your adventures.

Player versus Player

PvP enthusiasts, rejoice! Blizzard has made some significant changes to the PvP system, specifically in the earned rewards department. Let's take a closer look at what's in store:

  • Crests

The number of crests obtained through rated PvP activities has received a boost across multiple ranks. This means that you can expect more prestigious rewards for your hard-fought victories.

  • Whelpling crests are now only earned from Combatant 1 end-of-match activity (previously Combatant 1 and Combatant 2).
  • Drake crests are now earned from Combatant 2, Challenger 1, and Challenger 2 end-of-match activity (previously Challenger 1, Challenger 2, Rival 1, and Rival 2).
  • Wyrm crests are now earned from Rival 1 and Rival 2 end-of-match activity (previously Duelist).
  • Aspect crests are now earned from Duelist and Elite end-of-match activity (previously Elite only).

Exciting changes, right? These adjustments aim to make the rewards more attainable for players across various skill levels, encouraging everyone to participate and excel in PvP battles.

  • Flightstone Earnings

In addition to the crests, the number of Flightstones earned from rated PvP has also been increased. Prepare to reap the benefits of your PvP endeavors with the following adjustments:

PvP Activity Flightstone Earnings
Rated BG wins 45 Flightstones (previously 35)
Rated BG losses 20 Flightstones (previously 15)
Arena 2v2 wins 15 Flightstones (previously 10)
Arena 3v3 wins 15 Flightstones (previously 10)
Solo Shuffle wins 45 Flightstones (previously 35)
Solo Shuffle losses 15 Flightstones (previously 10)

These adjustments provide increased incentive for players to engage in rated PvP activities, allowing you to earn more Flightstones to enhance your character's power.


  • Jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafters, listen up! An issue that prevented crafted statues from being placed in the Emerald Dream and Zaralek Cavern has been fixed. Your artistic creations can now find a place in these previously restricted locations, showcasing your craftsmanship to all who venture there.

Final Thoughts

The latest hotfixes from Blizzard have brought much-needed improvements and adjustments to various aspects of the game. Whether you're delving into dungeons, fighting through PvP battles, or refining your crafting skills, these changes are bound to enhance your gaming experience. So, gear up, fellow adventurers, and embrace the challenges and rewards that await you in Azeroth!

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