Dragonflight Season 2 DPS Rankings Week 18 - Mythic Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible

September 12, 2023 3 minutes

Welcome! Today, we will be taking a detailed look at the DPS balance on Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible during the week of September 5th. In order to provide you with accurate information, we have analyzed the data provided by Warcraft Logs Raid statistics for Dragonflight Season 2. Please note that this analysis is based on the data from the 95th percentile and overall results, so it might not present a complete picture of class balance. Let's dive in!

Disclaimers and Source

The data used for this article was sourced from the Raid Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs, specifically for Mythic difficulty during the week of September 5th. We have focused on the 95th percentile data to highlight the top performers, while also including the overall statistics to provide a more comprehensive view. It is important to note that this data should be seen as a perspective rather than an absolute representation of class balance.

  • Bias and Inherent Limitations

When analyzing DPS balance, it is important to consider potential biases and limitations in the data. Some underpowered specs may be played less frequently, making them appear weaker than they actually are. This discrepancy occurs because many performance-oriented players tend to gravitate towards the strongest specs or classes, further widening the gap between the top and bottom performers.

Additionally, the position of specs for the 95th percentile can be influenced by alternative strategies and parse funneling. To account for this, we have included a chart showcasing the results for all percentiles, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of each spec's performance.

Dragonflight Season 2 DPS Rankings - Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible During the Week of September 5th

Rank Spec and Class Population Size Change from Last Week
1 Unholy Death Knight 575 +40
2 Augmentation Evoker 1109 +13
3 Frost Death Knight 927 -14
4 Frost Mage 440 -5
5 Demonology Warlock 399 +3

  • Overall Damage and Damage to Bosses

To get a better understanding of each spec's performance, we have looked at both the overall damage and damage specifically to bosses. This allows us to evaluate each spec's contribution to the encounter as a whole, as well as their effectiveness in dealing with priority targets.

Overall Statistics

  • Unholy Death Knight - 575
  • Augmentation Evoker - 1109
  • Frost Death Knight - 927
  • Frost Mage - 440
  • Demonology Warlock - 399

Remember, while analyzing DPS balance is important for optimizing your performance, it's also essential to find a spec that you enjoy playing. Don't be afraid to explore different classes and specs to find the one that feels right for you!


Based on the data from Warcraft Logs Raid statistics, we have explored the DPS balance on Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible during the week of September 5th. While the 95th percentile data provides insights into the top performers, it is crucial to consider the inherent limitations and biases when assessing class balance. By examining both overall damage and damage to bosses, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of each spec's effectiveness. We hope this analysis helps you make informed decisions when choosing a spec for Dragonflight Season 2!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more informative content from WoWCarry!

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