Introducing Radiant Echoes - Exploring The War Within Pre-Patch Event

April 18, 2024 3 minutes

Greetings adventurers!

Today we have some exciting news for you regarding the upcoming event in The War Within alpha build. The event is called Radiant Echos and it is the pre-patch event for the first expansion of the Worldsoul Saga. In this event, you will have the opportunity to revisit old zones in Azeroth and face memories and enemies from the past. We have gathered all the details currently available, so let's dive right in!

Radiant Echo Event Basics

During the pre-patch event, a Radiant Echo will spawn every 30 minutes in one of three specific zones: Dustwallow Marsh, Searing Gorge, or Dragonblight. These zones will always have a Radiant Echo event available, which can be identified by the familiar event horn vignette on the zone map.

The event consists of two phases. In the first phase, a powerful boss called the Coalesced Memory spawns in one of the zones. As the Coalesced Memory is defeated, numerous NPCs representing past memories of Azeroth will appear. While the Coalesced Memory can be easily killed with a few people, these NPCs add an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the event.

Once the Coalesced Memory is defeated, the second phase of the event begins. Throughout the zone where the Radiant Echo is happening, six events will spawn, each reflecting memorable moments from your adventures in Azeroth. For example, Dustwallow Marsh showcases Kalimdor memories, Searing Gorge focuses on Eastern Kingdoms memories, and Dragonblight brings back memories from Northrend.

These events can range from defeating enemies of the past to settling old battles and even collecting famous items lost in time. Completing all six events will trigger the final phase of the Radiant Echo event, where a legendary boss of old will spawn. Dustwallow Marsh will be home to Onyxia, Searing Gorge will face the wrath of Ragnaros, and Dragonblight will witness the return of the Lich King. Defeating these formidable bosses will mark the completion of the Radiant Echo!

Radiant Echo Rewards

In each of the event locations, you will find a vendor offering various items. Currently, these items do not have any currency costs. Once the event goes live, the currency for this event will be Residual Memories.

It is still unknown if there are any additional rewards from the event besides those available from the vendor. At the moment, the event mobs are not dropping any loot. Let's take a look at what the vendor has to offer:

Vendor Item Description
A Lifeless Stone Ring Currently, the purpose of this ring is unknown. It may have some exciting effects or a unique ability in the final release.
A 32-slot Warband-bound bag This spacious bag will provide ample storage for all your adventuring needs. It is bound to the Warband faction.
A 30-slot Warband-bound Reagent bag For all the spellcasters out there, this handy bag will keep your reagents well-organized and easily accessible. Just like the previous bag, it is bound to the Warband faction.
3 Battle Pets Earn yourself a whelpling, ghoul, and kobold battle pet, each with special abilities similar to the Radiant Echo NPCs. These pets will be an excellent addition to your collection.
A full set of ilvl 489, 1/8 Champion Gear This impressive gear set is equivalent to the Normal mode raid gear in Dragonflight Season 4. Not only does it boast great stats, but it also resembles the Void-Bound gear that was datamined in previous patches.

Keep in mind that these rewards are subject to change as the event progresses. More updates and information will be provided as we get closer to the release of Radiant Echos. Stay tuned for further updates!


We hope you're as excited as we are about the upcoming Radiant Echo event! Get ready to immerse yourself in nostalgic memories of Azeroth and face off against formidable foes. Don't forget to stock up on Residual Memories so you can take full advantage of the rewards offered by the event vendor. Good luck on your adventures, heroes!

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