Patch 10.1.7 PvP Adjustments on the Horizon September 19th

September 16, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, gamers! WowCarry here with some exciting news for PvP enthusiasts in the gaming world. Blizzard has just announced some major tuning adjustments that will go into effect during the September 19th weekly reset. These changes are geared towards improving the gameplay experience for players who love engaging in Player versus Player activities. Let's dive in and take a closer look at the upcoming buffs to Evoker, Priest, Shaman, and Warlock!


One of the first adjustments we'll be seeing is an increase in Disintegrate damage by 33% during PvP combat. Previously, this spell had a 20% boost. The development team has taken note of the lower killing power of Devastation's outside of cooldowns and have decided to provide further assistance to Devastation in PvP by amping up the damage of Disintegrate. This is just the beginning, as Blizzard looks to continue expanding this effort in future patches to ensure a more balanced gameplay experience.


  • Discipline

If you're a fan of Priest, get ready for some exciting changes! Penance healing will receive a significant increase of 35% during PvP combat, compared to the previous 15% boost. This adjustment aims to enhance the healing capabilities of Discipline Priests in Player versus Player scenarios, making them more formidable opponents who can provide better support to their team.


  • Elemental

Next up, we have Shaman. The Volcanic Surge spell is getting a revamp, increasing the damage of Lava Burst by 45% (previously 55%) and Lightning Bolt / Chain Lightning by 50% (previously 35%) during PvP combat. These adjustments are aimed at creating a more balanced gameplay experience for Elemental Shamans, allowing them to deal more damage and excel in Player versus Player encounters.

  • Restoration

Restoration Shamans aren't being left behind either. Riptide healing will receive a 25% increase during PvP combat (previously 10%), while Healing Stream Totem healing is getting a 30% boost (previously 20%). These changes aim to reinforce the healing capabilities of Restoration Shamans, ensuring they can provide better support and sustain their team during intense Player versus Player matches.


  • Affliction

Last but not least, we have the Warlock class. Affliction Warlocks will experience an increase in Unstable Affliction's backlash damage by 35%. This adjustment is designed to enhance the spell's effectiveness, making Affliction Warlocks more formidable opponents in Player versus Player scenarios. It's time to unleash chaos upon your enemies with even greater power!

These tuning adjustments are set to refresh the PvP experience for players and help create a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay environment. Whether you're an Evoker, Priest, Shaman, or Warlock main, prepare to dominate the battlefield with these exciting buffs.

Final Thoughts

With Blizzard's commitment to enhancing the Player versus Player aspect of the game, we can expect to see even more exciting changes in the future patches. These tuning adjustments for Evoker, Priest, Shaman, and Warlock showcase Blizzard's dedication to ensuring a fair and enjoyable PvP experience for all players. Make sure to check our PvP services and grab the rewards before they vanish!

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