Revised Dungeon Challenge in Season 4 - Dragonflight Dungeon M0 without Affixes or Timer for Balanced Rewards

March 12, 2024 4 minutes

Blizzard has just revealed some exciting changes coming to the Dragonflight dungeon system in Season 4. These changes aim to address some community feedback and provide a more engaging and rewarding experience for players. In this blog post, we will discuss the upcoming modifications to dungeon difficulty, rewards, and progression in detail.

Player Feedback and Dungeon Issues

Based on the feedback gathered from the player community, the development team has identified three key issues with the current dungeon system:

  1. Heroic dungeons have very little distinction from Normal dungeons at max level, which only matters during the initial days after reaching max level.
  2. "Mythic 0" dungeons lose their relevance soon after the Mythic+ season starts, leaving limited options for endgame players.
  3. The only endgame dungeon mode, Mythic+, revolves around timers, which doesn't cater to players who prefer a more methodical and paced gameplay experience.

To address these concerns and better meet player demand, Season 4 introduces significant changes to dungeon difficulty and rewards. Let's dive into the details of what's to come.

Heroic Dungeons: A New Challenge

Heroic difficulty and rewards will be upgraded to match the baseline Mythic (Mythic 0) dungeons in the current system. This means that Heroic dungeons will provide a more challenging experience with better rewards, offering a meaningful progression from Normal dungeons. Players will still be able to queue for Heroic dungeons via the Group Finder, but the item level requirement will also increase accordingly.

Mythic Dungeons: Without Timers and Affixes

The tuning and rewards for Mythic dungeons will be adjusted to match the difficulty of current M+10 dungeons, but without timers or affixes. This change aims to create a mega-dungeon-like experience, providing a significant challenge and rewarding loot for endgame players who prefer a more methodical and paced gameplay style. Mythic 0 dungeons will still follow a weekly lockout under this new model.

Mythic+ Dungeons: Scaling Up the Challenge

The Mythic+ system will scale rewards up to level 10, starting from +2, which would be equivalent to a +11 in the current system. The goal is to make a +5 difficulty as challenging as a +15, and a +10 difficulty as challenging as a +20, creating a more consistent and rewarding progression for players. Additionally, affixes will be introduced at +2, +5, and +10, adding further complexity and variety to the dungeons.

  • Here's a visualization of the changes:

M2 M5 M10
Current System M2 M7 M14
New System M2 M5 M10

These changes aim to recalibrate dungeon difficulties to align with seasonal player experience and progression. The removal of timers in Mythic Keystone dungeons, as well as the introduction of more challenging difficulties, will create a better environment for players who want to prepare for Mythic+ or enjoy a less time-constrained dungeon experience.

Rewards and Upgrades

It's essential to note that the basic structure of dungeon rewards remains largely unchanged. Completing a Mythic 0 dungeon in the current system will now grant rewards equivalent to completing a Heroic dungeon in Season 4. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Upgrade Level Item Level (Season 3) Season 3 Dungeon Awards (End-of-Run) Season 3 Dungeon Awards (Great Vault) Item Level (Season 4) Season 4 Dungeon Awards (End-of-Run) Season 4 Dungeon Awards (Great Vault)
Explorer 1/8 415 454 457 415 454 463
Explorer 2/8 418 457 460 418 457 463
Explorer 3/8 421 460 463 421 460 463

Flightstone and Crest rewards will also see adjustments to match the new difficulty levels. Flightstones will be earned based on the challenge level of Mythic+ dungeons, while Whelpling Crests will no longer be available in Mythic+ dungeons but can still be obtained from outdoor sources. The quantities of Whelpling Crests, Wyrm Crests, and Aspect Crests in different Mythic difficulties will align with the existing system.


The Dragonflight Season 4 changes bring exciting modifications to dungeon difficulty, rewards, and gameplay. With the removal of timers in Mythic dungeons, the introduction of more challenging Heroic dungeons, and the revamped Mythic+ system, players will have a better and more progressive dungeon experience. These changes provide new opportunities for both casual and endgame players, catering to a wider range of gameplay preferences. We are eager to hear your feedback as we embark on this next phase of Dragonflight. See you in the dungeons!

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