Spotlight on Lore: Hakkar the Blood Loa

January 14, 2024 3 minutes

Season of Discovery is about to enter Phase 2, bringing exciting new updates to the game. On February 8, players can expect an increased level cap to level 40, an upgraded Level-Up Raid inside Gnomeregan, new runes, new abilities, and a thrilling zone-wide PvP event in Stranglethorn Vale! In Blizzard's announcement video, we catch a glimpse of the sky turning red over Stranglethorn Vale, sparking curiosity about the lore behind this phenomenon.

The Blood Loa - Hakkar

One possible explanation for the red sky could be attributed to Hakkar the Soulflayer, known as the Blood Loa. In his artwork, Hakkar is often associated with a red, or "blood," moon. According to the story "The Embrace" from "Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth," the White Lady transforms into a crimson hue when she is angry. This suggests a connection between Hakkar and the appearance of a blood-red sky.

Over 1500 years before the Dark Portal, the Gurubashi Trolls of Stranglethorn Vale, once a formidable empire in Azeroth, sought to regain their former glory. They turned to Hakkar the Soulflayer, the Loa of Blood, for assistance. Hakkar agreed to help the Gurubashi extend their empire across the lower Eastern Kingdoms, but in return, he demanded a constant supply of blood.

To satisfy Hakkar's insatiable thirst, the Gurubashi took thousands of prisoners to his bloodstained shrine within their capital, Zul'Gurub. These prisoners were sacrificial offerings to the Blood Loa, whose disembodied spirit reveled in the flow of blood. However, the Zandalari Trolls grew concerned about Hakkar's unquenchable bloodlust. They realized that an extremist group known as the Atal'ai, made up of Hakkari priests, had a plot to summon Hakkar into a living form.

The Zandalari Trolls, fearing the disastrous consequences of a successful summoning, joined forces with the majority of Gurubashi Trolls to put an end to this madness. Together, they defeated Hakkar and his followers. The surviving Atal'ai priests fled to the Swamp of Sorrows and created the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. Here, the Atal'ai continued their attempts to summon Hakkar, but were thwarted by the Green Dragon Aspect, Ysera.

While the Atal'ai were defeated, their existence and their desire to summon Hakkar remained. It was discovered that Hakkar could only be summoned in Zul'Gurub. The Atal'ai infiltrated the city, using mind control to enslave its most powerful priests. By the time the Trolls realized what was happening, it was too late. Zul'Gurub fell under Atal'ai control, and the summoning of Hakkar commenced. Attempts to storm the capital and stop Hakkar from manifesting have failed.

In Season of Discovery, we find ourselves in the midst of this story. Although we cannot enter Zul'Gurub just yet, the Atal'ai are likely already there, preparing to summon Hakkar. With Season of Discovery promising surprises, we can only wonder what the Blood Rituals for the Blood God will bring to the game.

The Corrupted Blood Plague

Hakkar's presence in Zul'Gurub brings with it the corrupted blood plague, one of the most notorious plagues in the World of Warcraft. This plague rivals even the plague of undeath in its impact and notoriety. During the early days of Vanilla, players discovered that the plague could be carried outside of Zul'Gurub through infected hunter and warlock pets.

What followed was a devastating pandemic that quickly spread across Azeroth, causing mass deaths in major cities. This event, now known as the "Corrupted Blood Incident," forced Blizzard to implement several hotfixes in an attempt to contain the plague. However, it was ultimately resolved through a hard reset and a patch.

As we anticipate the summoning of Hakkar in Season of Discovery, the potential consequences of the Blood Rituals for the Blood God cannot be overlooked. Players must be prepared for any unexpected twists and challenges that may arise.

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