Best Diablo 4 Dungeons Farm Post Nerf

June 15, 2023 5 minutes

Best Diablo 4 Dungeons Farm Post Nerf

In the wake of the recent Nerf, Blizzard has made substantial efforts to create a more balanced experience within dungeon farming. The difference in experience points (XP) between the highest and lowest dungeons has been reduced to approximately 3 million, a stark contrast to the former drastic disparities. However, not all dungeons are created equal. Today, we'll look at the best dungeons for a maximum of XP per hour.

Third Place: Champion's Demise and Iron Hold

Tied for third place are two familiar dungeons - Champion's Demise and Iron Hold. Iron Hold, located in Hawezar and just to the right of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep: Inner Court Waypoint, still boasts massive Elite packs of mobs. Clear the initial part, defeat the enemy to retrieve their key, and you'll find yourself in the second part of the dungeon, teeming with Elite swarms yielding millions of XP. On average, running Iron Hold offers around 8.8 million XP.

Also offering similar experience returns is Champion's Demise, a dungeon you can find in Kehjistan, to the right of the Jirandai Waypoint.

Second Place: Blind Burrows and Charnel House

The two dungeons taking our second spot are Blind Burrows and Charnel House. Interestingly, these are located right next to former top XP farm spots. Blind Burrows offers approximately 9.3 million XP per hour and is near the now-nerfed Ruins of Eridu. Eridu, though nerfed, still offers a solid 7.6 million XP an hour, and it's conveniently next to Blind Burrows. This allows for a smooth, efficient loop where you can run Blind Burrows, exit the dungeon, run Ruins of Eridu, and repeat without ever having to save and quit. The dungeons reset upon completing an activity.

A similar but more efficient loop can be found in Champion's Demise and Charnel House. With Charnel House offering approximately 9.3 million XP an hour, this rotation allows you to bypass loading screens, saving, and quitting. Remember, Charnel House is a superior XP farm compared to Champion's Demise, but both are efficient when it comes to avoiding unnecessary interruptions.

First Place: Uldur's Cave

Our top spot goes to a solo dungeon - Uldur's Cave. Located in Kehjistan, this dungeon stands out due to its straightforward design and ease of completion. It provides a whopping 10 million XP an hour, making it an excellent choice for solo players. However, its narrow layout might not be the best for group play. If you're part of a group, Blind Burrows and Champion's Demise might be better options. But, for those who prefer a solo play style and maximum XP, Uldur's Cave is the place to be.

Other Notable Dungeons

While our focus is primarily on the highest-performing dungeons, several other notable dungeons are worth mentioning for varied reasons. One such dungeon is Mercy's Reach. Even though it offers around 7.2 million XP per hour, it’s the unique design and intriguing backstory that make it a must-try for all Diablo 4 players. Another is the Guulrahn Canals, which was close to the top tier with 7.9 million XP per hour. Its labyrinthine layout can be challenging but makes for an engaging experience. And Anica Claim, consistent at 7.8 million XP per hour since our last check, provides a reliable option for players who prefer less fluctuation.

The Ruins of Eridu, once a top farming spot, now gives 7.6 million XP per hour after the nerf, but it's intricate architectural design and intricate quests make it worth exploring. These dungeons, while not the most efficient for XP farming, offer rich gaming experiences that are worth exploring for their unique characteristics and varied challenges.

Room for Improvement

Despite the improvements made by Blizzard in balancing XP rewards across dungeons, there's still room for improvement. The current gaming meta tends to favor running easier dungeons repeatedly for XP farming, largely due to the higher XP reward compared to the difficulty level. A solution to this might be to increase the experience points given in Nightmare Dungeons. This would provide a more balanced risk-reward ratio and incentivize players to take on these more challenging dungeons.

Moreover, the XP values of elites within Nightmare Dungeons could be increased to further encourage gameplay within these challenging environments. Currently, there isn’t much reason to run Nightmare Dungeons, which for some players, tarnishes the end-game experience. We hope to see Blizzard address these issues in the future to provide a more balanced and rewarding gaming experience across all levels of play.

Video Guide: An Additional Resource

For our readers who prefer video content, we've included a video version of this guide for your convenience. The video guide further illustrates the dungeon runs and offers more detailed insights into achieving the best XP rates. Enjoy and happy farming!

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