Discovering the Journals of Zoltun Kulle - Diablo 4 Season of The Construct

January 27, 2024 2 minutes

As you venture through the Season of The Construct Questline in Diablo 4, you may come across a side quest known as "Kulle's Heart." This quest tasks you with collecting the journals of Zoltun Kulle, which shed light on the enigmatic vaults and the events leading up to the current season. Although gathering all the journals may require some time and effort, it can easily be completed as you progress.

Journal Locations

The first journal entry, referred to as "Entry #1," can be found within Gatehall. Look for it on a table located in the same room as the Stash, Wardrobe, and Healer. It's conveniently placed for easy access.

The second journal, known as "Entry #2," is found on the same table as Entry #5. You'll encounter this table after defeating Malphas during the Seasonal Quest "The Miracle," one of the penultimate quests in the questline.

The last three journal entries all share a common source but with a catch. These entries are obtained from Wardwoven Chests. The Wardwoven Chests are orange containers featuring a floating sigil above them.

In order to open a Wardwoven Chest, you need to enter a Vault and offer at least one pearl. Doing so grants you three stacks of Zoltun's Warding per pearl spent. It's essential to note that these stacks will decline when triggered by traps within the Vault. To successfully open the chest at the end of the Vault, you must have a minimum number of stacks of the Zoltun's Warding buff still active.

The remaining journal entries for the quest will be randomly rewarded from Wardwoven Chests, so it may take several runs to obtain them all. Persistence is key!

Tracking Down the Journal Entries

If you're interested in learning more about the Vaults and Nightmare Vaults to help you locate the remaining Journal Entries, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide. It offers valuable insights and strategies to aid your quest:

  • Diablo 4 Vaults and Nightmare Vaults Guide

Completing the "Kulle's Heart" quest may require some time and effort, but don't be discouraged! Simply keep running Vaults until you've fully unravelled the mysteries behind the Loom.

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