A Reflection on Guardian Druid in Dragonflight & War Within Wishlist - Editorial

February 06, 2024 5 minutes

Written by WowCarry

A Retrospective Look at the Guardian Druid in Dragonflight

The sun has set on Dragonflight, and The War Within looms on the horizon. As we reflect on the journey of the Guardian Druid throughout Dragonflight, we can't help but be excited for what lies ahead. In this blog post, we'll delve into the highs and lows of the Guardian Druid's expansion, explore the changes and additions that have made the spec more enjoyable, and share our hopes for its future evolution in The War Within.

Guardian Druid's Journey in Dragonflight

The Guardian Druid has had a fascinating and mostly positive expansion in Dragonflight. While the playstyle has remained relatively consistent, with only minor rotational changes, the addition of new tools like Tooth and Claw, After the Wildfire, and Raze has kept the gameplay engaging. It's clear that the spec is heading in the right direction.

However, it's important to acknowledge the ups and downs that the Guardian Druid has faced throughout Dragonflight. The spec started off with frustrating bugs that made us fairly weak during Season 1. Fortunately, these bugs were eventually fixed, and we were compensated with significant buffs and a mild rework. Season 2 saw Guardian Druids rise to the top of the charts in both raiding and mythic+. It was a glorious time for the Guardian community.

Unfortunately, as is often the case, Blizzard nerfed the top-spec in Season 3, causing Guardian Druids to fall in power. Although the nerfs were relatively minor, they, combined with buffs and changes to other tanks, as well as a shift in the dungeon meta, resulted in Guardian Druids losing favor. However, we remain a playable and viable option for Season 3 and beyond.

Talent Tree and Utility Issues

  • Talents

The talent tree for the Druid has been a hot topic throughout the expansion. Unlike other classes, our talents do not change depending on the spec, which I believe is a design flaw. Having to take filler spells or talents just to reach the end of a mediocre tree feels lazy and uninspiring. The general talent tree needs a massive overhaul, with baseline abilities like dispel and interrupt.

However, there have been a few notable talents that have had a significant impact on gameplay. Tooth and Claw, for example, has been a fantastic addition, making the spec feel smoother and providing damage reduction. On the other hand, Thorns of Iron has been a contentious talent due to its high APM requirement and unenjoyable playstyle. Raze is a great ability for AoE damage but could benefit from some adjustments to streamline the gameplay experience.

Overall, the Guardian talent tree could use some cleaning up to enhance flexibility and nuance. Talents like Guardian of Elune, Scintillating Moonlight, Earthwarden, Layered Mane, Reinforced Fur, and Thorns of Iron could all benefit from reworks or replacements.

  • Utility

One area where the Guardian Druid has consistently lacked throughout Dragonflight is utility, especially in raid environments. Despite being considered the best tank for mythic+ and having high DPS in raids, Guardian Druids have not been favored by top guilds. This is primarily due to the significant utility advantages that classes like Blood Death Knights, Protection Paladins, and others bring to the table.

This lack of raid utility in comparison to other tanks is a major balancing issue that Blizzard needs to address. Stampeding Roar and After the Wildfire, while providing some benefits, pale in comparison to abilities like Blessing of Spellwarding or Gorefiend's Grasp. This disparity in utility is a key reason why Guardian Druids have a smaller player base compared to other tanks.

In terms of tank balancing, the DPS output of Guardian Druids is decently balanced, with the exception of Vengeance Demon Hunters and Protection Paladins being slightly overtuned in AoE situations. However, fun and engaging gameplay should be a priority, especially during progression. While Guardian Druids have felt tanky and provided consistent DPS throughout Dragonflight, the lack of borrowed power items and uninteresting tier sets has made the playstyle somewhat dull.

The Future of Guardian Druid in The War Within

Looking ahead, there are a few key areas that we hope to see improvements for the Guardian Druid in The War Within. First and foremost, a utility rework is needed to bring Guardian into line with other tanks. After the Wildfire, in particular, could benefit from an increased range and the capacity to affect more players, making it a valuable asset in raid scenarios. Additionally, buffing Convoke the Spirits to serve as a valuable healing tool would be a welcomed change.

The entire Druid talent tree deserves a thorough evaluation. With so much potential for useful and enjoyable gameplay, it's a shame that the lack of flexibility and intelligent design decisions have held it back. As a first edition talent tree, it has been neglected throughout the expansion. We hope to see improvements in future iterations of the talent tree that incorporate the lessons learned from Dragonflight.

Furthermore, the return of weaving, a mechanic that has been absent in Guardian gameplay, would inject more excitement and variety into the spec. Whether it's through a burst DPS/healing cooldown like Convoke the Spirits or the introduction of new abilities in bear form, finding a balanced and engaging implementation of weaving would add depth to the Guardian Druid's toolkit.

In conclusion, the Guardian Druid has held a comfortable position throughout Dragonflight but has been missing that special something to propel it to greater popularity. By addressing utility issues, revamping the talent tree, and reintroducing weaving mechanics, the Guardian Druid can become a formidable and sought-after tank option. With the upcoming release of The War Within, we are hopeful that these future goals may be realized.

About the Author

This blog post was written by Pumps, a dedicated Guardian Druid player and raider in the guild Honestly on US - Frostmourne. Pumps has extensive experience and knowledge of the spec, finishing in 2nd place in the First World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon International event. You can find Pumps streaming on Twitch during progression and can reach out for further questions on the Dreamgrove Discord. Want to try out Guardian druid on high-level but don't want to level another toon again? WowCarry team gladly provide you an opportunity to level up fast and easy with our leveling services!

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