Dragonflight Season 3: Meta Breakers and Clash of Metas by Raider.IO

March 22, 2024 4 minutes

As we approach the thrilling conclusion of Dragonflight Season 3, we have some exciting news for all World of Warcraft players. Raider.IO, in collaboration with Blizzard, is organizing another fantastic event called Break the Meta. But this time, there's a special twist!

Meta vs. Meta: The Demon Hunter Showdown

Starting from April 2nd, players will have the chance to compete in the exclusive Meta vs. Meta bracket available only to groups comprising of Demon Hunters. Both Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunters will battle it out for glory, prizes, and the highly sought-after Dreaming Banner of the Aspects. This is a unique opportunity to witness the power and skills of Demon Hunters firsthand!

Registration for Break the Meta is now open and will close on April 20th, 2024. To participate in this thrilling event, head over to the Raider.IO website and sign up!

Group Composition
Affliction Warlock, Arcane Mage, Arms Warrior, Assassination Rogue, Destruction Warlock, Devastation Evoker, Elemental Shaman, Enhancement Shaman, Feral Druid, Frost Death Knight, Marksmanship Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Survival Hunter, Unholy Death Knight, Windwalker Monk
Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Preservation Evoker, Restoration Shaman
Brewmaster Monk, Guardian Druid, Protection Warrior

Break the Meta is an event designed to highlight and showcase off-meta specs and classes. To participate, you must complete a Mythic+ keystone in time with a group composed entirely of eligible specs. The eligible specs for DPS, healers, and tanks are listed above. Register your runs via the BTM Dragonflight Season 3 Event Hub on Raider.IO to ensure your progress is tracked and eligible for prizes.

The Competition Period

The Break the Meta event will take place during specific dates for each region. Here are the tournament dates:

Region Tournament Dates
North America & Oceania April 2nd - 16th
Europe April 3rd - 17th
Taiwan & Korea April 4th - 18th

During the Competition Period, players can participate in various groups without affecting their prize eligibility. As long as every member of the group plays an eligible spec, you can join the ranks of Break the Meta and compete for glory!

Meta vs. Meta: The Demon Hunter Showdown

In previous Break the Meta events, we made sure each class had at least one spec included to ensure everyone could participate. However, this time around, we're making an exception for Demon Hunters. Both Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunters are incredibly strong this season, so including them would undermine the principles of Break the Meta. Nevertheless, we don't want to leave our Demon Hunter friends out, so we're introducing a brand new special event: Meta vs. Meta (MVM)!

Meta vs. Meta works similarly to Break the Meta, but with a unique twist. To participate, you must complete dungeons in time using a group consisting exclusively of Demon Hunters. It's a true Eyebeam Extravaganza! Complete at least two MVM-Eligible dungeons at +17 or higher to earn the exclusive Dreaming Banner of the Aspects. Push yourself to the top of the Vengeance and Havoc Leaderboards for a chance to win 60 days of WoW Gametime.

But that's not all! Each MVM-Eligible dungeon completed while using the Raider.IO Desktop Client with Live Tracking enabled will also earn you a raffle entry to win the exciting BTM Prize Bundle!

Prizes to Win

In addition to the intense competition and bragging rights, Break the Meta offers players the opportunity to win a variety of prizes. Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Smoldering Banner of the Aspects

We've partnered with Blizzard to give participants a chance to earn the exclusive Dreaming Banner of the Aspects! Complete at least two BTM-Eligible timed keystones at level +17 or higher during the Competition Period, and the Dreaming Banner of the Aspects will be automatically added to your in-game collection within approximately 30 days after the event concludes.

  • World of Warcraft Game Time

We will be awarding 60 days of WoW Game Time to the highest Mythic+ Character Score winners for each eligible specialization in all three regions. That's a total of 72 winners who will enjoy an extended playtime in Azeroth!

  • BTM Prize Bundle

To give all players a chance to win something, we're offering the BTM Prize Bundle. This exciting bundle includes 60 days of World of Warcraft Game Time, the Sylverian Dreamer Blizzard Store Mount, the Celestial Observer Ensemble Transmog Set, and the adorable Lil' Ursoc Blizzard Store Pet. To qualify for the BTM Prize Bundle, simply complete BTM-Eligible dungeons during the Competition Period while using the Raider.IO Client with Live Tracking enabled. Every completed keystone, regardless of the level, earns you one entry into the raffle. One lucky winner will be chosen after the event ends.

Note: The BTM Prize Bundle is available only to players in the NA, EU, and TW regions.

So, whether you're ready to break the meta with your off-meta specs or unleash the power of the Demon Hunters, prepare for an epic showdown in Break the Meta Season 3! Register now and get ready for an exhilarating challenge and the chance to win fantastic prizes. Good luck, adventurers!

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