Follower Dungeons in Patch 10.2.5 - An Exclusive Preview of Exciting NPC-Based Adventures

November 18, 2023 4 minutes

One of the exciting new features introduced in Patch 10.2.5, Seeds of Renewal, is the addition of Follower Dungeons. This feature allows players to queue into dungeons solo and progress through them with a party of non-player characters (NPCs). In this blog post, we will take a closer look at this system based on the first 10.2.5 PTR patch, providing you with a first glimpse into what to expect.

How to Access Follower Dungeons

To begin a Follower Dungeon, simply open your Dungeons & Raids window and navigate to the Dungeon Finder tab. You'll notice a new queue category called Follower Dungeons. In the initial Patch 10.2.5 PTR build, all 8 Dragonflight dungeons are available in Normal Mode with Follower difficulty.

The Basics of Follower Dungeons

Upon entering a Follower Dungeon, you will be accompanied by a party of 4 NPCs when queuing solo. If you queue as a DPS, your party will consist of the following NPCs from the Dragonscale Expedition:

  • Captain Garrick, a Protection Paladin
  • Crenna Earth-Daughter, a Restoration Druid
  • Meredy Huntswell, a Fire Mage
  • Austin Huxworth, a Beast Mastery Hunter with two pets: Nyx and Ash

Once inside the follower dungeon, you will gain a new ability called Dungeon Assistance. This ability allows you to toggle between having the NPCs follow you or take the lead themselves.

When in follow mode, the NPCs will trail behind you and engage with enemies only if you attack them first. Alternatively, in leading mode, the NPCs will progress through the dungeon independently, much like a typical player group.

It's important to note that while the NPCs are skilled in combat, they will only prioritize fighting mobs and won't perform other necessary dungeon tasks. For example, in Brackenhide Hollow, you'll need to physically free the Tuskarr captives even if your NPC party is in leading mode. Therefore, it's generally recommended to utilize the following mode when navigating dungeons with specific pathing or objectives, allowing you to dictate which enemies the NPCs engage with.

Based on my brief experience playing follower dungeons, I found that the AI controlling the NPCs is remarkably sophisticated. They respond quickly to situations such as accidentally pulling additional packs or reacting to mobs attempting to escape at low health. However, they aren't particularly adept at interrupting non-priority targets or crowd control. As such, players venturing into follower dungeons will need to take care of those aspects themselves.

One interesting feature is that at the beginning of each dungeon, Meredy will provide you with food. Additionally, during boss fights, you may notice instances where Meredy casts powerful spells like Time Warp to benefit your party. I also tested scenarios where my health was low, and in those cases, the NPCs immediately healed me back to full. Similarly, when I triggered a trap, Captain Garrick employed Hand of Freedom to free me.

Below is a snippet showcasing the NPCs in action during the final boss encounter in Brackenhide Hollow. You can observe how the NPCs swiftly switch their focus to the Rotburst Totem as soon as it spawns.

NPC Name Role
Captain Garrick Protection Paladin
Crenna Earth-Daughter Restoration Druid
Meredy Huntswell Fire Mage
Austin Huxworth Beast Mastery Hunter

Loot distribution in a Follower Dungeon follows the same rules as a regular dungeon. While bosses have a chance to drop loot, obtaining it is not guaranteed. In my test run for this post, I received loot from only one of the four bosses in Brackenhide Hollow.

Lastly, here's a fun little tidbit - if you happen to die in a follower dungeon, the NPCs will temporarily abandon you in frustration. However, don't worry, as they will respawn once you release.

Thank you to MrGM for bringing this to our attention!


Follower Dungeons in Patch 10.2.5 offer an exciting new way to experience dungeon content. The addition of NPCs to accompany solo players provides an interesting twist to the traditional dungeon mechanics. While the AI controlling the NPCs showcases advanced behavior in combat situations, players should be aware of their limitations when it comes to tasks like interrupting and crowd control. With loot distribution mirroring that of regular dungeons, Follower Dungeons provide an opportunity for players to tackle content independently with some reliable NPC companions. Keep an eye out for more developments and updates as Patch 10.2.5 progresses! And if you're not satisfied with just only NPCs team, WowCarry is here to help do delve in the new rotation of dungeons in Season 3. We would gladly provide you our professional team you can run with for higher keys

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