How To Upgrade Gear In 10.1 Wow Dragonflight

May 04, 2023 10 minutes


Today, I'm going to be talking about the new upgrading system coming to Dragonflight in Season 2. First of all, I want to explain that Valor is going to be gone, meaning there will be no more Valor points to farm in M+. Instead, we will have a new upgrading system, which will work for raid items, M+ items, crafted items, and outdoor items. Blizzard's intention with this system is to unify the upgrading process across all PvE content, eliminating the need for different currencies for outdoor content, M+, and so on. They also aim to create a natural upgrading path as you tackle more difficult content. Although the system may seem a bit complicated at first, I will try to simplify it as much as possible and provide a graphic to help you understand it better. Keep in mind that once you're in the game and the season starts, you'll have an easier time understanding the system as you loot the currency and visit the vendor.


The new currency for the upgrading system consists of Flightstones, which are similar to Primal Chaos. They drop from all PvE content, and the only difference between Primal Chaos and Flightstones is that Flightstones are used for all upgrades, while Primal Chaos was primarily used for professional items. In Season 2, Flightstones will be used for M+ item upgrades, raid item upgrades, outdoor item upgrades, and profession upgrades.


The second currency you will encounter is Crests. Fifteen fragments of a certain Crest will combine to form that Crest. There are four different types of Crests, which drop depending on the difficulty of the content you're completing. The more challenging the content, the higher the tier of the Crest. The lower-tier Crests drop in outdoor content and LFR, while the higher-tier Crests drop in raiding and higher M+ keys.

Similar to how Valor used to work, there is a seasonal cap on how many Crests you can farm. This ensures that if you don't play for a week or even two weeks, you won't fall behind in Crests. Once you come back, you can simply farm all the Crests up to the seasonal cap.

Overall, Dragonflight Season 2 introduces a new upgrading system that aims to simplify and streamline the process across all PvE content. With the introduction of Flightstones and Crests, players will have a more natural progression path as they engage in increasingly difficult content. While it may seem complex at first, understanding the system will become more manageable once you're in the game and participating in the new season.

Upgrade System

Let's take a look at this graphic to understand the upgrade system in Dragonflight better.

The system involves different Crests and their levels, which are as follows:

  1. Whelpling Crests (lowest tier);
  2. Drake Crests (second tier);
  3. Wyrm Crests (third tier);
  4. Aspect Crests (highest tier).

These Crests drop from various content, such as LFR, M+ keys, world quests, rare mobs, outdoor content, normal mode raids, weekly quests, heroic raids, and mythic raids.

  • Gear Ranks

Each upgradable item will have a specific type depending on where you got the item from. The gear ranks include Explorer, Adventurer, Veteran, Champion, and Hero gear. You will know the gear type based on the content you complete.

  1. Explorer Gear (lowest): Obtained from outdoor content and low-level content.
  2. Adventurer Gear: Starts at a slightly higher level than Explorer gear.
  3. Veteran Gear: Begins at 402 item level, obtained from M+ 2 keys.
  4. Champion Gear: Begins at 415 item level, obtained from M+ 10 keys or higher.
  5. Hero Gear: Highest tier, obtained from M+ 17 keys or higher.

  • Upgrading Items

Each gear type can be upgraded to a certain level, with item level overlaps existing between different gear ranks. It's important to note that you can never turn a lower gear rank item into a higher one. For example, you cannot turn an Explorer item into an Adventurer item.

When it comes to raiding, items from LFR can be upgraded to normal raid item level, items from normal mode can be upgraded to heroic item level, and items from heroic raids can be upgraded to mythic item level.

M+ gear upgrading is a bit more complex due to the key range rather than a specific difficulty. The maximum upgrade you can do is Hero 5 out of 5, which is equivalent to a 441 item level (Mythic raiding item level). This can only be achieved with items on the Hero path, which drop from M+ 17 keys or higher. Items on the Champion track can only be upgraded to 437 item level.

One downside of the new system is that if you get an item from a low M+ key, you won't be able to upgrade it to the max item level as you could with Valor points. This means you will have to farm the item again at a higher key to upgrade it to the max item level.

  • Upgrading All Gear Types

The new system allows you to upgrade all gear types, including raiding gear, which was not possible before. However, the downside is that you won't be able to upgrade certain M+ items all the way if you don't have the necessary Crests.

The upgrading system no longer requires specific achievements like KSM or KSH. As long as you have the required Crests and Flightstones, you can upgrade your items. Flightstones drop from all content, so obtaining them shouldn't be too difficult.

  • Crest Farming and Caps

Each week, you can farm 10 Whelpling Crests, 10 Drake Crests, 10 Wyrm Crests, and 10 Aspect Crests. To maximize your Crest farming, you will need to complete the content that drops these Crests. For example, Mythic raiders will find Wyrm Crests important for upgrading their heroic gear to mythic item level.

Crafted Gear

In the new season, Concentrated Primal Infusions and Primal Infusions will be replaced by Enchanted Crests. These Enchanted Crests are used to upgrade crafted items to specific item levels. You will need to go to an enchanter or use work orders to create Enchanted Crests by providing them with a certain amount of Crests.

Additionally, you will need Season 2 Sparks, called Shadowflame Sparks, to upgrade crafted items all the way to 447 item level. This is higher than the maximum item level achievable through crafting gear in Season 1, which was 418.

  • Creating Enchanted Crests

To create an Enchanted Wyrm Crest, you will need three Wyrm Crests. This Enchanted Wyrm Crest can be used to create a Primal Infusion item or increase the item level of a crafted item from Season 1. To upgrade your crafted item to the maximum item level of 447, you will need an Enchanted Aspect Crest, which requires four Aspect Crests to create.

This new system is somewhat simpler than Season 1, as you no longer need to farm 10+ M+ 16 or above dungeons to get one Concentrated Primal Infusion. Instead, you only need four Aspect Crests or three Wyrm Crests, depending on the tier you want to upgrade your crafted item to.

  • Crest Costs for Upgrading

Each upgrade tier costs a specific amount of Crests. For example, if you have a Veteran 1 out of 8 item and want to upgrade it to 2 out of 8, it will cost you one Whelpling Crest. To upgrade it from 1 out of 8 to 8 out of 8, you would need three Whelpling Crests and four Drake Crests.

Final Thoughts

In summary, understanding the new upgrading system and the importance of Crests and Flightstones in Dragonflight is crucial for optimizing your gear in Season 2. The system may seem complex at first, but with the help of these blog posts, you should have a better grasp of the various Crest tiers, where they drop, and how to upgrade your gear efficiently.

The Crests are vital for upgrading your items, so make sure you farm them accordingly and allocate them strategically. Flightstones, which drop everywhere, will also play a significant role in upgrading your gear.

As you become familiar with the system, it will become more intuitive, and you'll be better prepared for the challenges ahead in Season 2. We hope these guides have provided valuable insights and helped you navigate the new upgrading system with confidence. Good luck in your Dragonflight adventures!

Video Guide

We're excited to introduce a video version of this comprehensive guide on the new upgrading system in Dragonflight Season 2. This visual walkthrough will help you better understand the mechanics of Crests and Flightstones, and how to maximize your gear upgrades. So, sit back, relax, and let our video guide take you through the intricacies of this complex yet rewarding system.

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