Mythic+ Changes in Undocumented Season 4 - Keystone Level Scaling with Abilities

April 03, 2024 3 minutes

Greetings adventurers! Today, we have some exciting Mythic+ news to share with you. Thanks to the combined efforts of our testing team, including Tarithal, Dorki, Yoda, Kyrasis, Xepheris, and Arty, we've uncovered some undocumented changes for Season 4 dungeons. Let's dive right in and explore these discoveries!

Algeth'ar Academy

The community has documented some significant changes to Algeth'ar Academy that are worth mentioning. First off, the Spellbound Scepter's Mystic Blast can no longer be kicked and can only be stopped. With the removal of Arcane Rain, players have shifted their focus to stopping the Blast instead. This change has left kicks available for other mobs, providing a fresh dynamic to the encounter. Additionally, the Tornadoes summoned by Crawth now have an improved graphical design, which is a welcome visual enhancement.

Azure Vaults

A small but delightful alteration has been made to the final boss encounter in Azure Vaults. The Umbrelskul crystals now spawn closer to the boss, making it more convenient for players to access and interact with them during the fight.

Brackenhide Hollow

Some significant buffs have been discovered for Brackenhide Hollow. The damage from Withering has been tripled and now scales with the key level. This change adds an extra layer of challenge and intensity to the encounter. Furthermore, the Withering ability sourced from the Rotsinger's Totem now double dips from the key level. As for Wilted Oak's Necrotic Breath, it is no longer interruptible, requiring melee players to be extra cautious. Additionally, ranged players can now simply outrange the breath by standing 30+ yards away. It's worth noting that the increased difficulty of Rotsingers in Season 4 may be unintentional, as the Totem double dipping is likely a bug that will be addressed.

  • Table: Changes in Brackenhide Hollow

Change Description
Withering Damage tripled and scales with key level
Withering (Rotsinger's Totem) Now double dips from key level
Necrotic Breath (Wilted Oak) No longer interruptible

Halls of Infusion

Contrary to what the Patch Notes indicate, the Primal Tsunami phases in the Halls of Infusion occur at 60% health rather than 50%. This slight adjustment affects the timing and strategy employed during the encounter.

Nokhud Offensive

Desecrated Ohuna, an adversary in Nokhud Offensive, now casts a new version of Rotting Wind. This ability deals AoE DoT damage to the entire party instead of just a frontal cone. To complicate matters, the new Rotting Wind ability has anti-sync technology, preventing multiple casts at the same time. Additionally, Ukhel Beastcaller's Desecrating Roar is now uninterruptible and summons 5 dogs instead of 3. These changes make the Beastcaller and the new Desecrated Ohunas particularly challenging, requiring careful coordination to prevent devastating damage.

Ruby Life Pools

A small but notable adjustment has been made to Flame Channelers in the Ruby Life Pools. The ability Flashfire now has a 15-second cooldown, increased from 12 seconds. This alteration allows a single melee kick to handle a Flame Channeler, eliminating the need for two kicks per Channeler.


In Uldaman, the Lost Dwarves' Fiery Surge and Burning Pitch abilities now scale with the key level. This change explains why the abilities were nerfed by 50%. The increased damage output and prolonged healing requirements add a significant challenge to the encounter, putting healers' skills to the test.

Season 4 is shaping up to be an exhilarating journey for Mythic+ enthusiasts. These undocumented changes provide new obstacles and strategies for players to overcome. As you venture into the dungeons, be prepared to adapt and coordinate with your team to achieve victory. Good luck, and may your loot be plentiful!

Final Thoughts

Mythic+ dungeons in Season 4 have received some unexpected changes that offer both excitement and challenges for players. From Algeth'ar Academy and Brackenhide Hollow to Azure Vaults, Halls of Infusion, Nokhud Offensive, Ruby Life Pools, and Uldaman, each dungeon presents unique surprises for adventurers daring enough to tackle them. So gear up, gather your allies, and embrace the thrill of conquering these revamped challenges!

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