Triumphant Week Resurfaces in The War Within

April 17, 2024 4 minutes

The War Within, the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, is introducing some exciting changes to the raid release schedule. In a recent interview with Blizzard, it was revealed that "Heroic Week" will be making a comeback. This news has sparked both excitement and concern among the WoW community. Let's dive in and explore what this means for players.

What is "Heroic Week"?

For those who may not be familiar, "Heroic Week" is a special period in the raid release schedule where Mythic raids and the full loot pool of Mythic+ dungeons are not available. This means that players have a week to focus on other aspects of the game, without the pressure of tackling the hardest content. The intention behind "Heroic Week" is to give players a break from the high-intensity progression and allow them to explore other activities such as leveling alts, completing achievements, or engaging in PvP.

The Removal of "Heroic Week"

However, in the Dragonflight expansion, "Heroic Week" was removed from the raid release schedule for the first time in a while. This decision received mixed reactions from the player base. On one hand, removing "Heroic Week" meant that players had more time to tackle Mythic raids and push their limits. There would no longer be a arbitrary cap on progression for the first week. On the other hand, this change had some negative consequences.

  • 1. Gear Disparity in Raid Bosses

One of the main concerns raised by players was the potential for a larger power gap between the first and last Mythic raid boss due to the removal of "Heroic Week". Without the initial week to gear up through Mythic+ dungeons, guilds would have to rely solely on raid drops to increase their overall power. This could result in a more challenging experience for those tackling the later bosses, as their gear would not be as optimized as it could have been.

  • 2. Lack of Class Tuning

Another drawback of removing "Heroic Week" was the absence of data collection on class tuning. During the initial week, guilds would often spend time doing Mythic+ dungeons to gather information on class performance and balance. This valuable data would then be used by Blizzard to make necessary adjustments and tweaks to class abilities and talents. Without this dedicated tuning period, players were left unsure of whether their class was performing optimally or if there were any balance issues.

  • 3. Race to World First Challenges

The first few days of the Race to World First, where guilds compete to be the first to clear the new raid on Mythic difficulty, became dominated by Heroic splits. Instead of racing to defeat the toughest encounters, guilds would spend their time farming Heroic versions of the raid to gear up their members. This played a significant role in determining the early progression standings and lessened the excitement and challenge of the race.

Bringing Back "Heroic Week"

In a group interview with Michael Bybee, lead game designer for The War Within, the return of "Heroic Week" was confirmed. Bybee explained that one of the considerations for the expansion was to introduce an early access period for players who purchased the higher-end product. During this 3-day early access, players will be able to enjoy the story content, level up their characters, and reach max level. However, they will not have access to Mythic 0 dungeons or other opportunities to acquire high-level gear.

After the early access period, the Mythic 0 system will become available, giving players the chance to gear up before the official start of the season. Following this, the Season will commence, and players will finally experience the much-anticipated "Heroic Week". This week will allow guilds to focus solely on raid progression without any limitations or distractions.


The return of "Heroic Week" in The War Within expansion has elicited mixed reactions from the World of Warcraft community. While it offers guilds the opportunity to focus solely on raid progression, it also presents challenges such as gear disparity and the lack of class tuning data. Only time will tell how this change will impact the overall raiding experience. Whether you are a casual player or a seasoned raider, the upcoming expansion promises to deliver new adventures and challenges for all to enjoy.

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