Dominating Blow Necromancer Necropolis 3.24 Guide

March 26, 2024 15 minutes

Build Overview

Welcome to the Dominating Blow Necromancer Necropolis 3.24 Guide, brought to you by Today, we're diving into a build centered around Dominating Blow, a remarkable ability that shines as a league starter and offers substantial versatility for end-game content. The beauty of Dominating Blow lies in its simplicity and effectiveness, enabling players to customize their builds for robust defensive capabilities. This makes it an outstanding choice for players embarking on their journey in Hardcore mode within the Path of Exile Necropolis expansion. Stay tuned as we explore the depths of this PoE Build and unveil the secrets to mastering the Dominating Blow Necromancer.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
+ Beefy – This Dominating Blow Necromancer build, while focused on minions, boasts an impressive eHP and mitigation, making it a solid performer in Hardcore within the Necropolis expansion of PoE. – Face-tanking Bosses – To sustain your minions, this build necessitates continuous engagement with enemy bosses, which may pose challenges against the most formidable Uber end-game bosses.
+ League Starter – Requires minimal investment to get started, with the only somewhat mandatory item being exceedingly affordable, even in the early days of a league. – Minion Build – Defensive strategies like leeching are less effective due to the reliance on minions for damage. However, the build compensates with regeneration, Life flasks, block, life recovery on block, and minion taunting for enhanced survivability.
+ Bosser – Capable of taking on end-game bosses effectively, even with a low budget and a primary focus on map-clearing.

Our Dominating Blow Necromancer Necropolis guide highlights the balanced nature of this build, demonstrating its capability to tackle Hardcore and end-game content with the right strategy and understanding of its mechanics.

Build Main Mechanics

This section of the Dominating Blow Necromancer Necropolis 3.24 Guide delves into the core mechanics that define the playstyle and effectiveness of this innovative build. At its heart is the ability Dominating Blow, a powerful skill that summons sentinel minions with varying strengths, depending on the rarity of the enemy hit. Unique enemies give you a 25% chance to summon a Sentinel of Dominance, ensuring your minion army is bolstered in boss fights. For Normal, Magic, or Rare enemies, a sentinel is guaranteed upon their death within 1 second after being hit by Dominating Blow. Intriguingly, these summoned sentinels inherit any modifiers their vanquished foes possessed, enabling dynamic and potentially potent combinations to emerge on the battlefield.

When it comes to scaling damage and fortifying defenses, this Dominating Blow Necromancer build doesn't hold back. It boasts an impressive effective HP (eHP) count exceeding 100k Life, supplemented by a significant chance to block both attacks and spells, largely due to the strategic use of the Rumi's Concoction flask. The damage scaling mechanism is straightforward yet effective, given its minion-centric approach. By harnessing modifiers like Blind and Taunt on Hit via a Ghastly Eye Jewel, this build not only increases its offensive capabilities but also enhances its defensive layers, making it a formidable force in the arenas of the Path of Exile Necropolis expansion.

PoB, Passives and Gem Links

Our Dominating Blow Necromancer Necropolis guide utilizes Path of Building (PoB) for an in-depth analysis and optimization. For those following a tight budget, check out the low-budget version here. For a more expansive budget, the medium budget version is available here. These links will provide you with detailed insights into the build's setup, including passive skills and gem links, to maximize your Necromancer's potential.


While many masteries cater to personal preferences, certain selections are pivotal for our build:

  • Life Mastery: Essential for maximizing life with "+50 to maximum life" and "15% increased Maximum Life if there are no life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour."
  • Minion Offence and Defence Masteries: Key for enhancing block from Bone Offering and improving minion survivability and accuracy.
  • Reservation Mastery: Boosts the effectiveness of defensive auras.
  • Mana Mastery: Increases mana reservation efficiency, crucial for aura management.

Amulet Anointment

To achieve optimal block chance, anoint the amulet with Testudo using 1x Clear Oil, 1x Sepia Oil, and 1x Black Oil.

End Game Gem Links

The cornerstone of our build, a 6-Link Dominating Blow setup, includes Dominating Blow, Minion Damage Support, Brutality Support, Multistrike Support (or Melee Splash Support for map clearing), Melee Physical Damage Support, and Ruthless Support (swap with Behead Support for a HeadHunter-like mapping experience). Additional setups include a 3-Link Trigger for curses and offerings, utility sockets for Flame Dash, Precision (maintained at a low level), and Convocation, alongside separate sockets for vital auras like Tempest Shield, Determination, Defiance Banner, and Vitality. For defense and mobility, Raise Zombie, Animate Guardian, Minion Life Support, Raise Spectre in a 4-Link, plus a 2-Link setup for Shield Charge with Faster Attacks Support and a 2-Link for Summon Stone Golem with Feeding Frenzy Support are recommended.

Ascendancy, Pantheons and Deal with the Bandits


In the realm of Necropolis 3.24, selecting the Necromancer Ascendancy for your Dominating Blow build offers a blend of offensive and defensive boosts, with a crucial choice at the final node between enhancing damage or defenses. The defensive route not only bolsters your survivability but also aids in preserving your utility minions, indirectly contributing to your overall damage output. The recommended ascendancy path for maximizing the potential of the Dominating Blow Necromancer is:

  • Commander of Darkness - Enhances Elemental Resistance, Attack and Cast Speed, and provides a general damage increase for both the player and minions.
  • Mindless Aggression - Boosts minions' movement, attack, and cast speed, along with an overall damage increase.
  • Mistress of Sacrifice - Allows Offering skills to affect the player, significantly increasing block chance with Bone Offering.
  • Bone Barrier - Offers a Guard Skill for added protection, benefiting both the player and minions with increased health and defenses.

Deal with the Bandits

For our Dominating Blow Necromancer build, the optimal choice is to eliminate all the bandits. This decision is standard for most summoner builds, as the rewards from the bandits do not outweigh the value of the additional passive skill points.

Pantheon Powers

The Pantheon selection is highly subjective and should be tailored to complement your playstyle. For the Dominating Blow Necromancer build within the Necropolis expansion, the upgraded Lunaris Major God is favored for its protection against chained projectiles, an invaluable asset when commanding a large minion army. This choice allows players to disregard the chained projectile map modifier, offering a significant tactical advantage. The minor god recommended is Shakari, which reduces the damage taken from poisons, further enhancing your build's resilience against damage over time.


The Dominating Blow Necromancer build's gear is tailored to maximize life, resistances, and crucial attributes while enhancing both offensive and defensive capabilities. Below is a summary table detailing the recommended gear choices for each item slot. Each piece plays a vital role in balancing the build's performance across various aspects of the Path of Exile Necropolis expansion.

Item Slot Item Name/Mods Rarity
Head Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Amulet Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Chest Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Gloves Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Boots Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Belt Darkness Enthroned Unique
Rings Life then Res/Attributes as needed Rare
Weapon The Scourge or a rare Gemini Claw for life/mana on hit with minion dmg and a trigger craft Unique/Rare
Shield Life then Res/Attributes as needed; can include “% chance to block spell dmg” Rare

This gear setup for the Dominating Blow Necromancer is designed to ensure a balanced approach between survivability and offensive power, allowing players to tackle the diverse challenges of PoE's Necropolis 3.24 expansion effectively.


And there you have it, folks—a complete guide to the Dominating Blow Necromancer for PoE Necropolis 3.24 expansion. We've covered everything from the basics of the build, its pros and cons, through to the nitty-gritty of gear and gem links. Remember, this build is all about having fun while smashing through enemies with your minion army, so tweak it as you like to suit your playstyle. If any part of this guide feels overwhelming or you're looking for a bit of extra help to get things rolling, remember that we at WowCarry are here for you. We've got services tailored to this build, whether you need a little nudge in the right direction or want the whole package. Happy gaming, and may your Dominating Blow Necromancer reign supreme in the Necropolis expansion!

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